Seungmin walked over to a nearby real bush and plucked a single purple flower from it, he approached Hyunjin and bent down, placing the flower in the bush
"There, at least now you look like a pretty bush." 

The endearing giggle that then came from the bush brought a cute smile onto Seungmin's face, he rocked back and forth on his heels, completely forgetting the job at hand until he was suddenly yanked by his wrist and forced to lurched forwards.

"Come on their leaving!" Hyunjin who had abandoned the bush and began pulling Seungmin along on site of Jisung, he stopped for a moment before running back to the bush and then back to Seungmin within a few seconds

"What're you doing?! Come on!" 

Hyunjin slid the flower he had retrieved from the bush into Seungmin's soft hair and then patted his cheek gently, 

"Pretty" He said and then almost as soon as he had caught his breath he was off again, running after Minsung who had made their way quite far.

"W-wait up!"


"Do you even know where we're going? we've been walking for ages."

The two of them where following at a safe distance, which was quite far considering how loud Hyunjin could be, Seungmin had to shush him several times already and they had only made it of the school grounds a very short while ago.

"Yes and incorrect. We're going to the zoo, I heard Minho-hyung mention it to Chan-hyung earlier also we've been walking for three minutes so stop complaining, we'll be there in another five."

Hyunjin pouted and slouched a bit, his feet landing on the pavement a little heavier in his strop. Seungmin was correct though and within five minutes they drew up at the gate to the town Zoo.

"Wait how do we get in!?!?!?" Hyunjin cried, suddenly panicked as he watched Minho and Jisung hand their pre-paid for tickets to the gatekeeper.

"Relax" Seungmin whipped some pieces of paper out of his pocket and handed one to Hyunjin, They where printed tickets which he had paid for online at lunchtime as soon as he overheard Minho mention the zoo "Who do you think you're dealing with, I'm always well prepared.. oh and by the way, you better treat me to food later or something, since I paid for your ticket."

Hyunjin nodded and wrapped his arms around Seungmin nearly strangling him in his embrace, "Thank you Minnie."

"Thats- fine- but- please- get- of- cant- breath-" Seungmin was released and almost as soon as Minho and Jisung entered the Zoo, Seungmin and Hyunjin did.

"There's penguins Minho-hyung!!!"
Minho laughed and chased after Jisung who had already taken off like an excited child (Which he was) stopping only to take a quick mental screenshot of the map. Seungmin waddled up afterwards to look at the map but was dragged of by Hyunjin who was as or rather; even more excited than Jisung.

The entered a dimly lit tube like passage after going through the blue door next to the penguin sign, ten seconds of walking and they where plunged into a cavern like room with a deep pool at the centre surrounded by rockery.

It was light only by the lights in the pool and the light bounced of the ceiling in wavy water reflections, occasionally hitting one of the boys in the eye and causing their lashes to shutter closed.

There was nothing for a few moments and one little girl in a lilac dress began complaining to her father that it was boring, she was promptly shut up as a penguin skyrocketed out of the water and landed on the rockery, his flippers slipping around until he found his balance and his chest proudly puffed out.

Acarophobia || {Minsung} ✓Where stories live. Discover now