Anniversary (fluff)

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A/N: Hi everyone! Sorry it took me a while before I published this, I was really occupied with some other personal stuffs.

I hope you'll enjoy reading this one just as how much I enjoyed writing it! Feel free to comment your thoughts below! ;)

Also, what did you think about the girls' performance last night? They were incredible as always for me! I especially loved the Break Up Song & SOTME performance. What was your favorite from last night? :>

Enjoy reading, luvs! ❤

Perrie's POV

I am sitting here in the sofa in our flat's living room while staring blankly in the television. Jade and I decided to just stay in our flat here in our hometown since we're more comfortable here & it's still also near our venue for tomorrow. I am watching a documentary that I can't even be bothered to know what the title is. I am wrapping my head around my plan that I hope will work our just perfectly fine tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a big day. It's not only Little Mix's 9th birthday & we also have our last tour date in our home city South Shields before we get busy for the new album but it is also mine & Jade's 5th anniversary together as a couple.

I already got everything set for tomorrow & I have planned the perfect night for us that everyone knows about except my girlfriend but I still can't help but feel anxious if something might go wrong with my plan.

What if she doesn't like it? What if I say the wrong thing or I mess up & not follow the plan? What if—

With many worries running around my head, I was oblivious that my breathing's speeding up which is a sign of a panic attack for me. I get so easily rattled with all these things that I'm worrying about. My what-ifs were quickly interrupted by a pair of petite and soft arms engulfing my body and that action alone brought me back to my senses and calmed my racing heart. She is the only one who can make my anxieties stop and take me to a wonderful world again. I didn't realize that I was thinking too deeply into this & I didn't even notice her presence until now. I looked into her eyes and smiled brightly so that she wouldn't suspect that I was worrying about something but I guess it's already too late since she already noticed my dilemma just seconds ago.

"Are you okay, love? You seem to be pretty serious here and you're already on the verge of a panic attack.", she asked cautiously while her hands moved to smooth my furrowed eyebrows. My nerves has calmed down now but considering the fact that I know Jade will be questioning me for who knows how long until she gets the truth from me makes me sweat so much despite the cold temperature in the room.

"I'm feeling better now that you're here with me, baba.", I replied as normally and as sweetly as possible then I proceeded to bury my face into the crook of her neck so that I couldn't see her reaction and she couldn't see through my eyes but we really do have a connection between the two of us because obviously, that didn't work on my beloved girlfriend and she still continued to question me. Now, I just have to dodge her questions as swiftly as I can so she wouldn't have any idea about what will go down tomorrow.

"What are you thinking about?", she asked me again while still having her arms wrapped around me.

"Hmmm... Just you. You're always on my mind.", I answered her playfully which earned a soft smack from her.

"What, baba? Can you blame me? You're lingering in my mind 24/7! I mean – look at you, gorgey hun! Your natural curls that looks so good on you. Your soft lips that I love to attach mine to. Your perfect singing and soft voice that sounds like angels from heaven whenever you speak. Your petite figure that I always find warmth in embracing and oh, don't even get me started with your fine and sexy a-", I started enumerating all the things that I love about her and just thinking about all of these makes me feel so lucky. Who would've thought that I'd get her? But just as I was going to say the other things that I love about her [that only the both of us know & see from each other ;)], she immediately covered my mouth to stop my words and I'm guessing that she already knew what I was going to say.

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