Mad (fluff)

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I was listening to Ne-Yo's songs and guess what? Yep, another one shot idea for y'all.

Jade and Perrie has been arguing a lot about small things these days but they always make up in the end. Then, one thing lead to another, will they make up in the end or will the argument end their relationship?

Perrie's POV

She's starin' at me,
I'm sittin', wonderin' what she's thinkin'.

The eerie silence seems to be so deafening. I'm not used to this. We're supposed to be all lovey dovey, sweet, cuddling but we're not.

It's the umpteenth time we argued this week. It's just about simple things. The first time this week was when I got home late because of a celebration in our company and she took it so damn serious as to why I didn't tell her. It was a spontaneous party after all, so how could I tell her when the company kept me busy with meeting schedules and we went straight ahead to the celebration after? The next one was when I saw her being so close to this guy Elliott in her work when I was supposed to fetch her. She said she was just a friend but you're not supposed to be that close to a friend, right?

Now, we're arguing because she did not inform me about this trip that she has been sent by her company with that Elliott guy. She has known it for weeks now and she didn't even bother to tell me. I can't help but to make it such a big deal because man, if she can keep this thing from me, how much more big things can she keep a secret from me? Who knows, right?

I'm not used to this. I don't want us to argue anymore, but we just keep on thrashing all the chances that we should be making up and making love.

Nobody's talkin',
'Cause talkin' just turned into screamin'.

I'm trying to understand her and to keep my patience long but when I opened the topic at her, she was the first one to yell at me and I'm done with her silence right now. She should just explain to me.

So I broke the silence.

"What now, Jade? We'll stay silent? Don't you want to explain to me rather than to screw profanities at me?"

"If I explain to you, Pez, would you even listen? You've already had your theory in your mind, so what's the point?", she snapped at me.

And now is I'm yellin' over her

She yellin' over me

"Of course, I'd listen. You're not even trying, Jade! You're the one who's making conclusions about this, about us.", I argued.

"Oh my goodness. I let it pass when you came home late because of a fucking party at your company that you, as well, didn't bother to tell me and now we're repeating it all again but with you being such a drama queen and making a big deal out of it. I didn't question you that much when you did that to me. Who knows maybe you cheated on me there? Maybe that was only your excuse? Maybe you're seeing your other women?", she shot back.

All that that means

Is neither of us is listening

And what's even worse

That we don't even remember why we're fighting

"Okay, you are the one being a drama queen now and please, don't pass the mistake onto me. I've already made up to it. Now explain to me.", I compelled.

"I didn't tell you because I know that you won't allow me to go because of Jed! I didn't tell you because you would've ruined everything. You would've changed my mind on going. You would've made me stay and cuddle with you. You would've locked me up here with you just to deal with your shit! I'm tired of this, Perrie. I'm so sick of these arguments. We're not supposed to be like this...", Jade finally let out.

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