Fool For You

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Jade is a typical cheerleader, brat type girl and yet, her so called girlfriend, Perrie Edwards is a fool for her even though she does bad things to her.

Perrie's POV

I can see her walking towards me again. Her hips are swaying side to side. Her oh-so-perfect brown and wavy hair are flying all around. The world seems to be in slow motion. How can someone be that lovely? Well, at least to my eyes.

She's Jade Amelia Thirlwall. I have loved her ever since middle school and now, we're both seniors. Being with her is not easy. She is the typical cheerleader, popular girl whom every guy in this school wants and yet, I'm just... me. Simple and plain but she chose me.

There were times that I have been hated on for being with her. Saying that I don't deserve her because I'm just who? No one. But I don't care. I'll fight for her with every ounce of blood that is left in my veins. We've been through so much and I don't ever think of letting her go.

My best friend, Jesy, has spoken to me millions of times about breaking up with Jade and just letting her be that way. She said that Jade is just using me because, well, I'm a love drunk when it comes to her. Everything she does is perfect, everything she does is right when it comes to me. 

I won't deny it. She has done things that hurt me. Like flirting with guys, acting as if we're not together, denying me to her family and friends but still, here I am, loving her unconditionally. We've talked it through. Me, arguing with her and just ending up letting it go because she's just so precious. I can't ever resist her.

I know if this doesn't work out right, I'll just end up hurting myself. I know she can be happy without me. But I won't give up. I'll risk it all for her.

"You're such a dork, Perrie, falling for her like that.", I heard Jesy tell me. She must have observed my gaze just fixing on my girl.

"Yeah, Jes, I'm such a dork for falling for her and I'll probably regret it sooner or later but what can I do? I love her so much.", I answered her which only earned a roll from her eyes. 

I know she only wants the best for me because she said that that's what I deserve, not like this treatment --- being kept as a secret and being a complete fool but for me, Jade is the best.

And oh, she's just inches away from me now. I smiled at her when I caught her eyes. When she finally reached me, I leaned to her and was about to plant a kiss on her lips when she turned her head to another direction and my lips landed on her cheek. That's alright, I guess.

"Hi, baby.", I greeted her, beaming lovingly. I know I look like a weirdo but I'm just really captivated by this goddess's beauty.

"Hey. Umm, Pez, can we talk?", she asked me. With that tone of her voice, I know full well that she wants to ask something from me and knowing myself, I could never say no to her requests.

"Yeah, anything baby.", I said and we walked a bit far away from Jesy so we can have privacy.

"Can we, umm, cancel our date later?", she said and fiddled with her fingers.

"Jade, why? We haven't been on dates these past weeks. You've cancelled some of our dates too and I've already prepared for everything.", I replied, startled.

"It's just ah, umm, I'm...", she started then stopped. She glanced around the hall. If someone looks at her, it feels like she's thinking of an excuse but to me, maybe she's just unsure of what to say but I know that she'll never lie to me.

"You can tell me anything, Jade.", I assured her. 

"Oh, it's nothing big, just, the Vixens want to have a sleepover and I just can't say no, baby. You know the competition is coming soon and we really need to establish a close bond and I think this is one of the ways to have it. So, please baby? I promise I'll make it up to you.", she said in her cutest voice and flashed me a pout, knowing full well that I can never resist her when she is like that. She always gets what she wants. I'm such a lovestruck.

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