Together Forever (fluff)

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"Girls I have a date." Perrie said running into the room Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne were in.

"OMG who are you with?" Jesy said.

"Spill the beans Pez." Leigh-Anne said jumping up.

"Zayn!" Perrie said and blushed.

"Wait Zayn, Zayn Malik from one direction?" Jesy said jumping up and down. Perrie looked down and blushed.

Jesy and Leigh-Anne were happy for Perrie since they just won the show and she been asked out by a member from the biggest boy and in the world. Where Jade on the other hand was jealous, jealously running through her. While Perrie talked about how he asked her out. Jade say with her brain arguing with its self.

'What does he have that I don't?'

'Looks, fame everything Jade she'll never love you like you love her'

Perrie rambled on about Zayn and Jade wanted to be sick hearing all the things she said about him.


Perrie was getting ready for her date with Zayn she wanted to look perfect because she really liked him. But she didn't know what to wear.

"Jade" Perrie called through their apartment.

"Yeah" Jade said walking to Perrie's room.

"I don't know what to wear" Perrie said.

"What ya doin'?" Jade asked.

"I have my date with Zayn today, were you even listening when I was telling you and the girls the other day?" Perrie asked and Jade didn't want to say no she listening.

"I uh had a lot on my mind that day" Jade lied.

"Oh ok but will you help me find something to wear?" Perrie asked Jade hopeful and Jade nodded walking to Perrie's wardrobe.


Perrie and Zayn's date went perfectly he took her to a restraint then for a walk along the beach and they maybe even had a kiss under the stars. When Perrie got back Jesy and Leigh-Anne were in her and Jades flat watching a movie waiting for her to get back and tell them all about it. Perrie walked through the door kicking her heals of and waking to the sitting room Jesy and Leigh-Anne jumped up and bombarded her with questions.

"Come on tell us everything" Jesy said nudging Perrie inf the side.

"Ok we'll he took me to thing lovely restraint, even though I would rather go to mc Donald's but anyway, he too me to it and it has the best food ever, then we walked along the beach and we maybe even had a kiss under the stars" Perrie gloated and Jesy and Leigh-Anne screamed.

"You kissed on your first date?" Leigh said and Perrie nodded blushing "you dirty tramp" Leigh joked.

"Where's Jade?" Perrie asked noticing she wasn't there anymore.

"I don't know, she was there a minute ago like" Jesy sand and Perrie got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink.

"Hey" Perrie said when she saw Jade in there making herself tea.

"Oh hey" Jade said looking up at Perrie. "Wanna cup?" Jade asked and Perrie nodded her head and Jade grabbed another cup putting milk in it and getting another tea bag out putting it on the cup. "So how was your date?" Jade said even though she didn't want to hear if it went well she wanted to be a good friend and ask.

"Good" Perrie replied and when the kettle was boiled Jade poured the boiling hot water into the cups and made the tea.

"Are you ok?" Perrie asked Jade and Jade nodded.

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