Happier (Late Nights Part 3)

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This is dedicated for everyone who commented for a Part 3 in the 2nd part of the Late Nights oneshot. I'm sorry it took so long but you guys keep me motivated, thank you so much and I love all of my readers. :)

Prompt: Late Nights Part 3.

A/N: I have so much love & respect for both Jade & Jed and as much as I don't want Jed to get involved in this oneshot with Jade anymore since he has a new relationship, I feel like I still need him here just to finish this Late Nights oneshot. I love Jaded with all my heart so I hope it's fine with you guys if Jed will still be included in this. 

Please read the author's note in the end of this one shot as well. Enjoy reading!

Jade's POV

After that day, Perrie has been coming back into my café every single damn day for the past 5 months. She would come at exactly 12:45 during lunch time which is my time to supervise in the counter since it is my employees' lunch break.

I can tell that she is slowly working her way through our whole menu since every time she comes back, she would order another set of meal or sandwich. Well, she already tasted most of the things in my menu since she was the first ever person that I served them to. I hate remembering the things that I used to do for her.

"Jade the supply for our bread just arrived. Would you want me to go handle this one so you can just monitor the café?", I heard Jed ask me from the door of the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's fine by me, Jed, you can handle that. Thanks so much for the help, it means a lot.", I responded, thanking him for his goodness.

"Sure thing, hot stuff.", he said playfully before winking then disappearing to the kitchen door again.

Jed has been helping me a lot these days. He has been really nice to even assist me in serving the customers, most especially on dealing with Perrie every time she comes by even though he has no obligation to me. I know Jed is such a sweet person, he does this for me and out of the goodness of his heart to help me manage my café. And he is my suitor after all but I just couldn't bring myself into another relationship knowing that my past one broke me so much and I still need to heal from it.

No more I love you's, until I'm okay.

And yes, I know, I know. Perrie has also been doing so much into 'getting me back' again. She would occasionally bring flowers for me here and just talk me down in the counter although she only almost get sighs and hums from me. I don't actually accept all of her gifts, I just let her leave it on the table where she sits at every day. She would insist on making me receive it but I am reluctant to her, knowing myself well, I know that I wouldn't help myself from falling for her again if I let her break down my walls that easily.

Suddenly, I heard the bell attached to the door ring, announcing the arrival of my usual customer at this time.

12:45. The clock reads. Here we go again.

I turned my face to the counter, letting a smile appear on my face to greet my customer. "Good afternoon, Miss. What would you want to have today?", I greeted her in my usual tone - the one that I use to talk to her to get over every day in the café.

"Jade, you know my name so well. Why would you still call me Miss every single day? You can call me anything that you want. It's fine by me.", she said to me, clearly not pleased with what I just called her again.

"Okay then, Anything, what would you love to have on our menu this day?", I told her sarcastically which earned a slight laugh from her but judging from her voice and the way she looks at me, I know that she is in deep thought.

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