Anyone (fluff)

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This tackles anxiety and this might be triggering for some of you so please be careful with reading this. I'll make it mild but please still take your emotions into consideration & know that my messages are open if you wanna talk. This will be very long since it's kind of a make up chapter to my readers but this will be so good. I worked so hard to finish this one and I hope you love it. Your comments and reaction mean so much to me.

Jade's POV

It's a typical day with me being on mine and my girlfriend's flat. I'm unmotivated to do anything today and I don't even plan on moving from my bed. I'm out of work today since I'm not feeling so well and adding to that is the missing presence of my baba. 

I looked at the time and I didn't realize that it was almost noon and I still haven't done anything even my morning routine. It's like this these days. I'm just alone here all day waiting for Perrie to come home from her new movie shoot. I just wish that she could finish that shoot already and spend some time with me. I miss her.

When I looked beside me, there's a note and a glass of water and my vitamins sitting in our bedside table. I grabbed it and read the letter that she has written for me.

Good Morning, baby girl! 

I left for work so early, I didn't wanna wake you up. Here's your vitamins to start up your day and drink up some water please! Call me when you get this, I love you xx.

- Perrie

I can't help but smile with her little gesture. I've been feeling bad these days and most part of it is because I can't be with her at these times but I know that all she's doing is to work but I would really love if I could spend some quality time with her. 

I did as I was told from the note and drank up my meds and water before calling her. It took her until the third ring before she picked up in a tone that lightened up my mood.

"Hey, Jadey! Wait what time is it?", she greeted and paused, probably looking at the time in her phone.

"Did you just wake up?", she asked carefully.

"Yes.", I said simply, not making it any longer, wanting her to talk more to me.

"Have you had breakfast yet?"


"Well you should eat now! What did I say about skipping meals?", she told me immediately after I replied to her.

"Okay then, Mom.", I said as I can even see her roll her eyes from the other line.

"What time will you be home?", I asked her, hoping that she will be a little early this time.

"Still at midnight, love. I'm sorry but we're really really close to the end of the movie and we're filming the final scenes so it won't be long now!", she answered me much to my disappointment but filled it up soon with hope enthusiastically. Finally, they'll be done.

"Guess I'll wait for you all night again then.", I sighed through the phone and I did not expect her next reply.

"Or you could just come up here and watch your hella hot movie star girlfriend do her job.", she introduced the idea to my mind and I thought about first before giving her an answer. I didn't have much to do here in the flat anyways and I'll just be bored to my mind so better yet spend some time with her, yeah? It might be good for her to see me there when she's doing her work, it might get her be more motivated. 

"Alright then, I'll expect to see my movie star girl this afternoon.", I agreed to her idea and she cheered on the other side which made me giggle. She can be really cute at times. 

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