Albus: The ogre you kiss and turn into a boy.

Scorpius: Please don't make Shrek references at me

Albus: You've seen Shrek?

Scorpius: Of course, I don't live under a rock

Albus: You live at the manor, it's basically the same thing.

Scorpius: Did you seriously just compare the Malfoy Manor, Europe's most wealthiest Estate, to a rock?

Albus: Don't get cocky. The Manor is NOT the wealthiest estate.

Scorpius: I'm very cocky when it comes to you.

Albus: Oh you'll be cumming to me for sure.

Scorpius: You filthy minded child

Albus: You love it.

Scorpius: Fuck you

Albus: Is what you'll be doing.

Scorpius: I fell into that one. When are you doing to be done with James?

Albus: Someone's eager

Scorpius: *Eagerly ending this conversation

Albus: I don't know, maybe an hour or so

Scorpius: See you then

Scorpius slipped into his sweatshirt and sweats to sleep in, even pulling on socks. He was chilled to the bone after the shower. Something about the cold weather and then the beach wind blasting ice air into his face had him chilled. The boy ended up doing his work and taking a long nap after texting Albus. When he woke, the boy was still not in the dorms. The others were asleep, even Daniel was snoring.

After showering and returning to the dorms Scorpius figured that Albus had to be about done, right? He sat on his small bed, looking around in the dark as his eyes readjusted. Scorpius wished he had brought Missy back with him, the loss of her soft fur and purr was more prominent now more than ever. When at night her eyes would almost seem to glow in the dimness. She'd follow the boy anywhere through the castle at night, when everyone else was asleep. Missy preferred to hang in the boys dorms during most of the time because she was skittish around a lot of people. But now she was back at the manor, probably hunting mice under the snow and stalking birds. That is, if Draco has let her outside at all.

Scorpius looked up as Albus finally entered, looking like he had showered a bit ago too because his hair had dried in a messy way. "Have you been up waiting?" Potter whispers, walking over to Scorpius.

"No, I took a nap so now I probably won't sleep for another couple hours." He replies, not as quietly as Albus. "How's James?"

"I think he really started to realize that Dad wasn't going to come back. That our family... wasn't going to be okay ever again." Albus explains, keeping his voice hushed. He wore black sweats and a tee shirt. The blonde reached up to him from his position on the bed, grabbing his arm lightly and feeling goosebumps.

"He couldn't let you borrow a jacket?" Scorpius reaches behind him to grab his hoodie, offering it to the brunette, who takes it without any qualms.

"It's hot in the Gryffindor tower. They keep it warm enough that it's basically summer."

"That's gross."

"That's what I said." Albus situates the hoodie. "How'd it go with Aries today?"

"She's a paradox. One minute she's saying she had no friends growing up and the next she's mentioning an adopted sister, so to speak." Scorpius replies.

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