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The sun beat down mercilessly on the set, causing Leila's palms to grow clammy with nervous sweat. As the famous actor, Osman, pored over his script, she could feel his piercing gaze drift in her direction every so often. The pressure was mounting, as this scene needed to be filmed in a single, flawless take.

"Leila, can you please bring me some coffee?" Osman asked, his tone polite yet commanding. Leila's heart raced as she hurried to prepare the espresso, her hands trembling slightly. As she approached Osman to deliver the steaming cup, disaster struck. The cup slipped from her grasp, spilling the hot liquid all over his pants.

Osman let out a hiss of pain, his brow furrowing in discomfort. "I'm so sorry!" Leila cried, her voice quivering. "Let me get that cleaned up right away."

Rushing to grab some towels, Leila's mind raced with worry. She couldn't believe she had made such a clumsy mistake in front of one of the industry's biggest stars. The shoot was already under immense time pressure, and this mishap was sure to delay things further.

As Leila gently blotted the stain on Osman's pants, he studied her with an unreadable expression. Would he lash out at her incompetence? Or would he understand that it was simply an honest mistake?

The air was thick with tension, the temperature on set seeming to rise even higher. Leila braced herself for the worst, praying that Osman would have mercy on her. After all, the show had to go on, no matter what.

"It's alright, I will go and change," Osman went to his vanity van. Leila noticed the script was wet and distorted due to the coffee. Her brows knitted as she face-palmed herself. Deren approached her angrily, "What are you doing, Leila? Don't you know how much sweat and blood was invested by Mr. Divit to make Osman Goni agree to this shoot? If he gets furious and changes his mind, then you will have to compensate on everyone's behalf."

"I am sorry, it won't happen," Leila bit her lips, looking teary-eyed. Deren scrunched her face, "Don't say that to me. Go apologize to Mr. Osman. He most probably went to change."

Leila nodded when she was struck by something. She fetched some ice from a nearby store and rushed inside Osman's van.

"Mr. Osman.....I brought some ice. Is it stinging?"

Leila's heart raced as Osman pulled her back against the wall, his mouth grazing her neck. "I want your answer," he murmured, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine.

Trying to appear nonchalant, Leila replied, "They are waiting for you outside." But her voice betrayed the electricity crackling between them.

Osman's frustration was palpable. "Leila, I'll be leaving tomorrow and there's no guarantee I'll come back. Please, don't ignore me."

Leila finally looked into his eyes, her own filled with conflict. "Osman, don't be stupid," she whispered against his face. "You don't deserve someone like me."

"People willingly become stupid when it comes to falling in love, Leila," he said, nibbling her upper lip. Leila's body tensed at his touch. "You didn't speak to me since yesterday. Deliberately ignoring me, causing me so much pain."

Leila's tears stream down her face. "Do you think I'm willingly doing this? I feel so scared to be in a relationship again," she said, her voice shaky.

His brows furrowed with concern. "And you're a superstar. How do I expect you to be loyal when you're constantly surrounded by beautiful actresses?" Leila asked, her insecurity evident.

He reached out and grasped her hand. "Then I'll leave this all behind," he said, determination in his voice. Leila looked at him, shocked. "You're bigger than my dreams, Leila. And if you think I'll cheat on you, then I'll happily leave my stardom and live a simple life with you," he continued, cupping her face gently.

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