||Determined lovestruck fool||

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After a prolonged period of turmoil, a tiny speck of peace had finally returned to the household. Nihat lay on the bed, holding his two beloved daughters, Leila and Sanem, close to him on each side. The sisters both had tears glistening in their eyes, the events of the past few days weighing heavily upon them.

Sanem could not contain herself any longer and rushed to embrace her sister, overcome with relief at having Leila back home safe. They held each other tightly, crying softly until their tears had dried.

"I should be the one to be blamed the most," Leila whispered, her voice laced with guilt. "I got carried away by my emotions and almost accepted a decision that would have ruined your life."

"Stop blaming yourself," Sanem replied, gently wiping the remnants of tears from Leila's cheeks. "Remember, you're wearing that expensive makeup - we can't have it all ruined by your tears now, can we?" she added with a small, reassuring smile.

Leila managed a weak smile in return, squeezing her sister's hand gratefully. Nihat, overcome with relief to have his daughters reunited, rubbed their backs soothingly, providing the comfort they all so desperately needed.

Suddenly, Mevkibe appeared at the door, gesturing to Nihat, her expression unreadable. The family's moment of peace was about to be disrupted once more, as the true test of their resilience was only just beginning.

Nihat took a deep breath as he walked to the guestroom where Jan was seated. The young man looked lost until Nihat spoke up. "Mr. Jan..."

Jan straightened his clothes nervously as Sanem and Leila followed their father into the room. Nihat's eyes were filled with a mix of anger and disappointment as he looked at the man before him.

"I am grateful that you didn't keep the truth hidden," Nihat began, his voice stern. "But do you really think I will let my precious daughter return to you anymore?"

Jan opened his mouth, wanting to say something in his defense, but Nihat raised a hand to stop him. "I am a very middle class person. I've struggled throughout my life. But my daughters are my everything. Looking at their faces, I never once considered my struggles to be struggles. You and your brother, however, have literally destroyed their lives."

The weight of Nihat's words hung in the air as Jan lowered his gaze, unable to meet the older man's eyes. "I really do love Sanem," he said, his voice tinged with defeat.

Nihat shook his head firmly. "Don't teach me the meaning of love. Where was your trust?" he fired back, his disappointment evident in every syllable.

The room fell silent, the tension palpable as Nihat waited for Jan to respond, his decision about Sanem's future still unresolved.

Jan slumped his shoulders, the weight of his mistakes bearing down on him. He had no more excuses, no more wish to manipulate the situation. Not when Sanem was pregnant with his child. Summoning his courage, he got down on his knees, surprising them both.

"Please," he begged, his voice trembling. "I'll do anything for Sanem. I accept that I've wronged her. But I had no one to teach me about love. My mother left me after I was born, and my father was always busy with work, even though he tried his best. I grew up selfish and arrogant, without a mother's guidance, and I was terrified of losing someone precious to me."

Tears welled in his eyes as the painful memories surfaced. Sanem's lips quivered, her own emotions raw and conflicted. Jan's gaze was fixed on her, a silent plea for understanding.

"Until I met you, Sanem," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was intrigued by your ability to love everyone, and I was jealous of your nature. But in discovering you, I fell for you in a way I never thought possible."

Nihat stood dumbfounded, shaking his head as he watched Jan crumble to his knees, tears streaming down his face. Turning to Sanem, he asked, "What do you want, Sanem?"

Sanem's eyes pooled with tears as she replied in a shaky voice, "I... I want some space, baba." Biting her lip, she added, "I really want to see if he's actually willing to change or if he's the same manipulative liar. If this decision were just about me, I would have made it already. But now, I'm pregnant. It's about our future."

Mevkibe held her daughter protectively. "It was my fault. I forced Sanem into this troublesome marriage."

"No, anneim, it's nobody's fault," Sanem replied, her face etched with fury. "I just want this blame game to stop. Half of our lives have been ruined because of this. I just want it to end...and to live like before."

Sanem walked back to her room, her mind racing. Leila trailed behind her, silent but watchful. Nihat stared at his daughter's disappearing figure, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He turned to Jan, his gaze stern yet resigned.

"You heard it. She needs time. If you can give it, then do. Otherwise, you can leave my daughter to her condition. We are always there for her," Nihat said firmly, adjusting his glasses.

Jan met Nihat's eyes, his own expression resolute. "I will do whatever she wants," he replied. "I will learn to live like her. Just how she wishes our future to be. There's no way I will let go of her."

Nihat studied the younger man's face, sensing the sincerity in his words. A man with Jan's ego would not openly plead for a woman unless his feelings ran deep. "I hope you remain sincere to your words and mature yourself. You..." Nihat paused, a hint of concern crossing his features. "You are going to be a father in the nearest future."

Jan's eyes widened, the realization sinking in. He felt a mix of emotions – fear, excitement, and a renewed determination to prove himself worthy. Sanem's needs had become his priority, and he would do whatever it took to support her through this new chapter of their lives.

For then he left. But the next morning Sanem was left astounded when she saw someone moving next to their house . Her parents were also dumbfounded. She gasped when she saw Jan who was moving his things in the house just next to them.

Sanem stared in disbelief as she watched Jan, moving his belongings into the house next door. She had thought she made it clear that she needed some space, but apparently, he had other plans.

"Good morning, darling!" Jan called out with a wide grin, waving at her cheerfully.

Sanem felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she marched over to him, nostrils flaring. "Jan, I told you I wanted some space. You don't understand, do you? Are you still trying to force yourself on me like you did before?"

Jan held up his hands in a placating gesture. "But I am giving you space. That doesn't mean I can't move places, does it?" he replied calmly.

"But why here? You could have moved anywhere else!" Sanem exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

"I like it here, so I'm renting this place," Jan said matter-of-factly. "Giving you your space doesn't mean I can't shift to my choice of place. I promise I won't be a nuisance." He beamed like a child.

Sanem flared her nose as she nodded, "I know you better than anyone. I understand why you're doing this, Mr. Jan. You're a sly dog!"

"A dog who barks for you," he replied, taking the brunt of her accusation. Sanem shook her head in frustration and walked back to her house, disappearing from view.

Jan smiled inwardly, because he had purposely done it that way. He didn't want to let Sanem out of his sight. He had been sick with worry about her the entire night. He didn't want to leave her alone, especially now that she was pregnant. This was the most precious time of their lives, but also the most difficult for her. He didn't want her to have to shoulder the burden alone.

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