His first kiss

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Ceyda squealed with delight when she saw Sanem walk through the door. Her hyperactive side couldn't contain its excitement as she wrapped Sanem in a bone-crushing hug. "Oh my sweet lord, my mochimochi is back! I am so relieved to see you!"

"Don't hug her so tight. She's pregnant," Jan said, looking concerned at the way Ceyda was embracing Sanem.

Ceyda made a poker face at him. "Don't teach me, you ugly-faced caveman! I'm a woman. I know it won't hurt her."

"If you're a woman, then I'm a Korean pop star," Jan mocked, teasing Ceyda's tomboyish nature.

Ceyda snarled at him before dropping the bomb. "Someone named Yigit came to visit me."

Sanem's eyes widened at the news. "Yigit? Did he say why he's here?",her brow creasing with concern.

Jan, who was sitting beside her, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, babe," he said. "This isn't the Yigit you're thinking of. This is Yigit Serkan, our newly appointed dialogue writer."

Sanem visibly relaxed, letting out a small sigh of relief. Jan had pressed charges against Yigit for attempted rape. That scumbag was currently rotting in jail, thanks to Jan's efforts to delay the court proceedings and ensure he spent as much time behind bars as possible.

Jan had even gone so far as to tip off the jailer and some of the prison inmates to make Yigit's life a living hell, though he hadn't shared those details with Sanem. He didn't want to upset her, especially not now that she was pregnant with his child.

Just then, Ceyda swept into the room, casting a critical eye over Sanem. "Were you going somewhere?"
"We have a date," Sanem blushed, looking at Jan with a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was their second date, and Jan had planned all kinds of surprises to make up for the disastrous first one, when Yigit had crashed their plans.

This time, Jan was determined to make everything perfect. He had booked a private, secure location, ensuring it would just be the two of them. He had so many things he wanted to confess to Sanem, hoping to take their relationship to the next level.

As they were about to leave, the frantic ringing of the doorbell startled them. Jan went to open the door, only to be left in shock when a distressed and wounded Polen practically jumped into his arms. Sanem and Ceydà stood frozen, their eyes wide with concern.

"Polen?" Jan called out, holding the trembling woman. Fear was evident on her face as she looked up at him.

"Jan, please help me," she pleaded, her voice quivering.

Without hesitation, Jan ushered Polen inside, Sanem and Ceydà following close behind. Something was clearly very wrong, and their romantic evening had taken an unexpected, worrying turn.
Sanem looked at Polen with a mix of intrigue and displeasure as she took a deep breath and began to speak. "After you broke up with me, I tried my best to move on. My dad was pressuring me to get married to one of his choices, but I denied that."

"You said you wanted to move on, yet you refused to get married?" Ceyda asked, her tone slightly harsh. Sanem squeezed Ceyda's hand reassuringly as Polen continued.

"Of course I wanted to move on, but I wanted to marry someone I love. I don't want to be the victim of a political marriage," Polen explained, her voice wavering.

"It doesn't make sense. Your engagement with Jan was also political," Ceyda interrupted, her brow furrowed.

Polen whimpered, "But in that case, I was in love with Jan, so it wasn't problematic."

”Ceyda don't interrupt her,"Jan stared at Polen, his usual warm gaze now cold and distant. "But what happened that made you this way? And why are you in my house? You don't have anything to do with me, right?"

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