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A/N : This story was moved from my old account "Bella_Bolyard"

B O O K  #1

Rewritten: 10/21/2020


I leaned back against the wall, gripping my wine glass tightly as my gaze shot across the room to her

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I leaned back against the wall, gripping my wine glass tightly as my gaze shot across the room to her.

My eyes traced every inch of that goddess' appearence.

Her wavy brown hair glistened in the chandlers.

Her eyes darted around the room in a panic, in an attempt to politely see her guests.

I felt myself shift from my left leg to my right,, managing to stay leaned against the wall.

My mind couldn't help my wrap itself around the idea of us.

How happy I'd been these last few months, given the circumstances.

One thing my mind couldn't fully understand was how our parents could split us up...?

How she could said yes to him...?

How could her mood about us flip on a dime?

I found my gaze drop to the stone floor, away from what I thought was my future.

I thought she was it.

The one.

A laugh caused my head to perk up and follow the sound to my best mate, her fiancé, Blasie.

He seemed pretty content with his parents choice of bride.

Fuck, was I actually wanting what Blasie had?

Was this what it felt like?

To loose?

To have your heart broken?

"Hey, you..." Baie's voice startled me back into the moment of self pity.

"H-Hey." I sighed, glaring down at my wine, suddenly feeling jealous of the wine's existence.

I wish I was anywhere - anywhere - but here...?

"Can we talk?" Baie asked, pulling me back into the now, again.

I shrugged with a slight nod and placed my wine glass on a tray a waitor was carrying as he passed and followed Baie into the corridor.

"How are you doing?" Baie, almost, whimpered as she pressed herself against the wall across the corridor as I pulled the ballroom door shut behind us.

"What does it matter?" I slid my hands in my pockets and glared at her, "You were with me this time last month, now you're in there grinning and playing the part, being someone you're not," I paused and decided to just drop it. "I - loved you."

"I loved you too, Draco..." she sighed, looking away from me.

"- i get it." I paused, realizing what she just said. "Wait, loved?"

"Loved." She repeated, making her gaze glare down the darkened corridor.

I stood there, observing.

She was fighting to meet my gaze.

I cleared my throat, "Was it always him?"

"Draco..." she choked, dragging her gaze to my shoes.

"'Cause if it was, then you are one good actress..." I stated, whipping my face, attempting to hide the tears building up in my eyes. "...but if it was not him, why aren't you fighting this -?"

"- Like you are?!" She barked, finally making eye contact with me. Her eyes glistened in the candle lit hall, mascara was running down her cheeks with multiple paths.

"Haven." I rolled my eyes.

"You seem to forget, she parades that news around like a new Gucci bag!" She exclaimed, pointing to the door behind me. "Not to mention, I'm - my family is in the same business, so I know!"

I glared at her.

My chest was on fire.

My head was spinning.

I remained silent.

"I'm not fighting it, because you're not fighting it!" Baie spat at me as she attempted to move past me, but I glutched her right wrist.

"Baie," I started. "we can get through this if we -"

"- What the fuck is this we?!" She screamed, snatching her wrist out of my grip. "We ended when you didn't fight your parents on their choice. Guys have more of a say then us Girls do, we both know that!"

I stared down at her.

I dropped my arms to my side and shook my head.

That's when Baie leaned in, really close to me, and asked the weirdest question.

"You feel that?"

"W-What?" I asked, confused.

"That pain in your chest, that dizziness in you head, that feeling of absolute completely defeat?" She asked, placing her hand on the door knob.

I remained quiet and just let myself fall onto the wlla behind me.

"Do you know what its called?" She tilted her head in a cute way to get my attention.

I rose my eyes and peered deep into hers.

"Its called heart break, get use to it!" Was all she said before she flung open the door and glided back into the ballroom.

I flinched as the door slammed shut.

She was right.

I frowned as my past flings made their way into my mind.




Sam - or Marcie?

Anyway, this must have been what they felt.


I'm Better Off. You're Better Off.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora