short: farming for dummies

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this short was parodied from  "Dank 18: Gardening with Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear"

One day, in iron sand city, and thanks to Ruka's pestering, hornsy has agreed to help do some PR work around the city

At the wheat fields

Hornsy: I am not doing any hoeing

Beep: beep doesn't know what hoeing is

Ruka: well hoeing is-

Hornsy: well actually, we don't need a hoe, there's only one tool that you'll need for farming, and I got it...

Savant: it's a combat cleaver

Ruka: it'll be a cleaver

They turn back to see hornsy carrying a portable harpoon launcher


Hornsy: this-

Beep: is that a hoe?

Hornsy: HAHAHAHA, no. But if you want to remove a plant, how would you do it?

Savant: well I'd take a trowel, crouch down, dig around it, and remove it carefully

Hornsy: and that took you, what, 10 seconds, a cricked back, dirty finger-

Ruka: well that's how you farm

Hornsy: ok, now let me show you how I would do it

He then aims at an empty plot and fires, though he didn't know that it was an explosive harpoon bolt which left a small crater in the ground

Savant: well they are gone but-

Hornsy: they're gone

Ruka: burt you still can't farm-

Hornsy: they have ceased to exist!

Meanwhile, as they continue arguing, grimmus and Ian were sitting on a nearby rock watching this unfold.

Grimmus: this reminds me of something similar with me and my brother back home

Ian: really?

Grimmus: yeah, almost went exactly like this   

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