of homes and heists

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hornsy: wait, why does dad want to see us

bonesy: dunno, I got a letter saying it was important on my way here

hornsy: oh, ok then. wait, seeing that you brought grug here, how did people react when you passed by?

bonesy: oh they were scared shitless 

hornsy: a normal reaction seeing that grug is a gargantuan albino gorrilo

bonesy: true, anyway lets head out

the brothers then went outside where everyone was around Grug. as they approached, hornsy noticed an odd contraption attached to the back. a 2 wheeled box with metal bars attached to the back of Grug's saddle 

Hornsy: y-you attached an outside shop stall to a giant gorillo

bonesy: ah no, that's my new invention, I call it a cart because it can be used to cart things around

hornsy: WOW, that's awesome

bonesy: I also got the money here

hornsy: perfect. Agnu, hank, smith, bring the money inside


hornsy: no, I won't help, need to go somewhere 

Ruka: oh my gods, where the fuck are you off to this time

hornsy & bonesy: visiting dad

Ruka: oh...

hornsy: you want to co-

Ruka: yes!

hornsy: o-ok

beep: beep want to join as well

Hobbs: count me in

savant: count me in

green: sure, why not

burn: I'll join

Dr Chung: meh, why not

bonesy: alright, everyone in the cart

as they all got in the cart, they headed north to the Hub, on the way Ruka was leaning out the side, her greenish-blue face turning sickly green

Hobbs: are you alright?

Ruka: im...fine, groans

Dr Chung: motion sickness, try focusing on the horizon

Ruka: the only thing i'll be focusing on is my fist as i plant it in your face if you keep talking nonsense

Dr Chung kept quiet until they arrived 

guard1: the fuck is that

guard2: wild animal attack, BIG gorrilo!


as the guards let Grug and the cart pass Bonsey drove it all the way up to the thieves tower

thief boss: shit bonesy, didn't know you got one of these

Bonsey: didn't i send that letter

thief boss: courier got robbed 

bonesy: shit, ill tell you later

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now