homes and hellos

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the pair then reached the top of the lab's ramp, the view was impressive, being able to see the entire city in front of them.

Hornsy: so, here is my place, I should introduce you to the gang seeing that your gonna be spending some time here until we figure out the next step

Grimmus: sure, sounds like a clever idea, and better than just walking for hours and sleeping outside

They both go inside to the 1st floor, which is desks and bookshelves. Hornsy explains that this is where they take stock of supplies, civilians, taxes, and extra information. The 2nd floor housed the living quarters, this included a kitchen, dining/living room, bedrooms, and a small games corner with a few games like chess, and other such games.

Sitting around the table was an assortment of characters from different races: 2 Shek, one female with a fragment axe and an annoyed look on her face while the other is slightly overweight and sports a stained tank top, a hive drone doing strongman poses, an old Greenlander with a rattan hat and a crossbow on his back, next to him was another hive drone, also with a crossbow on his back. There were also 3 skeletons, one of which was doing some cooking, as well as 2 Greenlanders, one of them is an old man with a goatee and the other is a young girl with a ponytail

Hornsy: hey guys!

Beep: yay Hornsy is back

The crowd the gather around the 2

Ruka: who is this?

Hornsy: oh, this is Grimmus, he gave me a hand with the research

Grimmus: and oh boy did we found something, just give us a few days for it to arrive though

Hornsy: well, Grimmus here will be staying here for a while as we need to plan our next move based on what we found

Hobbs: your welcome here anytime

Grimmus: thanks

Hornsy: well I guess I should introduce you to the gang: we have Hobbs, Ruka, Savant, Dr Chungus

Dr. Chung: its Chung not Chungus

Hornsy: potato, tomato. Continuing, we have Beep, Green, Izumi, my brother Bonesy

Bonesy: heyo bruv

Hornsy: and the 3 skeletons are Sadneal, burn and Agnu

Agnu: *friendly Agnu noises*

Hornsy: he's a bit defective

Burn: welcome to the group my friend, hope you like bread and high-quality meat-based meals

Grimmus: a cooking machine?

Hornsy: while burn doesn't need to eat, nor can he taste or smell, he's a bloody good cook

Burn: you spoil me sir

Hornsy: also, quick warning, Ruka can get a bit violent sometimes

Ruka: who the hell says I'm violent?! *hits table*

Hornsy: ...moving on...i can either get you a house in the upper-class district or a bed here in the bunks

Grimmus: upper-class

Hornsy: ok then, I'll make the arrangements but for the meantime, you can stay in my bed while I'll sleep down here on the floor cushions

Grimmus: hey thanks man

Hornsy: no problem, you're my friend, it's the least I could do

That evening as the gang got to bed Grimmus and Hornsy sat upstairs in Hornsy's personal room

Hornsy: so, any idea what to do next?

Grimmus: well, I do know a guy who can help

Hornsy: great, but I guess we'll wait for the journal to be written up

Grimmus: hopefully the courier survives his way through bucket-head territory

Grimmus then thinks about the spear he found in the bar

Grimmus: so...ive been to that rather impressive bar you got

Hornsy: yeah, my dad helped fill out a few things from his personal collection

Grimmus: including a spear

Hornsy: the one with the see-through red spearhead?

Grimmus: that one

Hornsy: well I don't know much about it, dad did say he got both off of a cannibal chief

Grimmus: ah, ok then

Hornsy looks at grimmus with curiosity, as he specifically asked about that one item

Hornsy: so...why are you so interested in that spear

Grimmus: oh...uh, well its...just so unusual to see

Hornsy: yeah, that what I thought when he gave it to me. Nobody has seen something this advanced at all

Grimmus: yeah...well I guess we should get some sleep

Hornsy then went downstairs as Grimmus got into his bed

Grimmus: *in his head* well, looks like I'm staying here a little longer

The next 3 days go on without trouble with Grimmus moving into his new house, its rather nice with a small balcony as well as a nice living room, kitchen, study and bedroom, as well as 2 extra spare rooms though Grimmus worries what's going on back home with the rest of the gang, especially his brother.

Grimmus: huh, I could get used to this 

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now