skin bandits part 2

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hornsy (MAIN CHARACTER) : OK shackles check, acid-proof clothing check, trail stacks check, alright time for my 50k

((sometime later at the south hive border))

hive guard1: so...have you ever tries razorfish stew

hive guard2: no I've just been eating raw meat how did u get something like that

hive guard1: nabed it off some wanderer

hive guard2: neat...mind if i nab a bit

hive guard1: sure

((as they share the stew a voice can be heard in the background))

???(quietly): mine...mine...mine...mine...mine

hive guard1: hey u hear something

???(a little louder): mine, mine, mine, mine

hiveguard2: yea i hear it too-

((as they turn around they see a large shek with duel katanas ruining like mad at them))

guard1: HOLY

guard2: SHIT

((and before they were able to draw their weapons two thuds can be heard as their heads fell to the floor))

hornsy: MINE!

hornsy: OOOO!, stew yum

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