knowledge of things to come

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several days have passed as the Blacksand mercenaries continue to build their new city, several starving bandits flocked there as well as aspiring traders looking to find a fortune in this new city

several days have passed as the Blacksand mercenaries continue to build their new city, several starving bandits flocked there as well as aspiring traders looking to find a fortune in this new city

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((and yes before you say, it does look like a fish. also if you cant see it closely just right click and press open image in a new tab and ctrl+ mouse wheel to zoom))

b= bar
bone= Bonesy's commissions
HQ= a built ancient lab serving as hornsy and co's home
black circle= massive watchtower

the large farms outside are kept safe by the exiles, who hornsy pacified by giving them food and offering them a warm bed in exchange for guarding the city and being called upon for certain jobs. there have been recent attacks from the dust bandits but the exiles with their new gear and defences were enough to ward them off entirely, the HN, US and the SE were astonished that such a city grew in this amount of time 

meanwhile inside the HQ

hornsy: wow, looks like shit is getting real out there

savant: yea, our city is one of the largest out there and also the fastest to grow

Dr Chung then walks in hornsy's office

Dr Chung: ah hornsy, can I speak with you for a moment?

hornsy: sure thing doc

they then head to Dr Chung's room which is filled with books and medical equipment

hornsy: so im guessing you're liking the new books

Dr Chung: truly an exquisite find, and with Izumi's help we managed to know a lot of information. from how living creatures function, improved farming technique, some porno, mags and even a few recipe books from the 2nd empire which I gave to burn. but the most interesting thing is this

he reaches into a nearby box and brings out a small black handheld rectangle with a white bit of paper saying "project: BIFROST"  

hornsy: the fuck that?

Dr Chung: quite frankly I have no idea, that's why I asked you here, Izumi suggests that we should take this to worlds end to see if anyone over there knows about it

hornsy: maybe dad knows something about this, but I rather not bother him

Dr Chung: maybe go to him after visiting worlds end to see if he knows anything

hornsy: yea, that sounds like a good idea, but the trip up there is sooooooo fucking long and tiering

Izumi: ah, luckily you said that seeing that I found a book on amputation

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