skin bandits 4

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hornsy: well, we've fucked

savant: I guess you have a plan for this

hornsy: nope

hive prince: intruders, state your business in our lands!

hornsy: *whispering* don't worry I got this

hornsy: my name is Hornsy, the leader of the black-sand mercenaries, I was hired to bring the leader of the skin bandits to justice

hive prince: that human on your back is Savant?

Savant: hello

the group of bug men began talking among each other, most likely discussing what to do

hornsy: (oh crap, if we get out of this alive I'm gonna give up eating all that bread)

savant: *whispering* I don't think we can run away this time

hive prince: our hive has had trouble with skin-bandits for months, mind if you hand him over to our queen?

hornsy: you got 50k on ya, cause that's what he's worth 

hive prince:


hive prince: can we still have him though?

as soon as the prince says that hornsy quickly threw 3 knives at a pair of guards and dashed between them and proceeded to get the fuck out of there

as soon as the prince says that hornsy quickly threw 3 knives at a pair of guards and dashed between them and proceeded to get the fuck out of there

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hive prince: get them!!!

as a hoard of bug men begin to amass on the pair the begin to dodge patrols after patrols until the entire south hive is chasing them

meanwhile at Catun

guard1: damn theres a lot of beak things out today

guard2: and Gorillo bandits too

guard3: didn't we have that one raid by the south hive right

guard1: yea fucking brutal it was, damn marrow bird were feasting apon the corpses for days

???: *in the distance*HELP!!!

guard2: the hell was that

guard1: I don't know, get the rest of the guard ready#

guard3: roger that sir

a few seconds later they see a shek carrying someone peaking the hill, 10 seconds later a tidal wave of hivers can be seen


guard1: quick close the gate and activate its reinforcing!!!

as the gate barly closes behind hornsy and savant a thick metal wall comes out of the floor, covering the gate

hornsy: we...made last...need...drink

guard1: what the hell was that, why were they chasing you?

hornsy: skin...bandit...leader

savant: hi

hornsy: they...wanted him...said no...they chase

hive prince: *on the other side* give us our prize back horny man

hornsy: its...hornsy not...horny

hive price: *on the other side* semantics

hornsy: how long...will they stay...out

guard2: as long as the barrier stays up 

hornsy: now my 50k, please?

guard1: uh...sure *hand a large bag of 50k cats (currency not the animal)* take him away

hornsy: well see ya later savant

hornsy: (now, how do I get out of here with him)


the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now