short #4 (ish)

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the reason it's "kinda" a short, is that I got carried away

over in flats lagoon, hornsy and the gang head out to a local bathhouse to relax

Hobbs: I've never been to a bathhouse before

bonesy: oh trust me this place is amazing

hornsy: hot stone massage, waxing even though we don't use it, sound deprivation tanks

savant: the hell is that last one?

bonesy: oh its where they put you in a coffin  with water designed to cancel out all outside sounds, and it just have you lay there in silence

hornsy: it helps calm the mind and stuff like that

Ruka: pfff, sounds like a cat making scheme 

bonesy: well it's not for everyone, but I like it, helps me with new inspirations and creativity 

hornsy: although the BEST part is the outdoor baths, thanks to that perimeter wall around the lakes, allows us to bathe in peace

green: sounds fun

beep: beep is very excited about this, perhaps beep may find inner peace and become the most legendary warrior in the whole land!

hornsy: and I wish you luck with that mate, keep working hard and in time you will become the best

Ruka: quietly when is that idiot gonna get it through his head that he's following a stupid dream

Hobbsquietly he has spirit though, and with that determination, Mabey his dream will come true, or not, only time can tell

Ruka: looking at hornsy yea...maybe you're right

at the bathhouse, it's rather empty due to the time of day. both groups enter their changing rooms and got into their respective baths with Ruka all alone

Ruka: wish that idiot would have gotten more women to join, damn lonely

???: true, it does suck tbh

Ruka: hmm?

behind her a Greenlander woman with long blond hair, a smooth face, and an alright bust

???: mind if I join you?

Ruka: i-its alright

the Greenlander then settled into the bath

???: what your name, if you don't mind me asking?

Ruka: im...ruka

???: my name is Julius, but you can call me Julie

Ruka: that sounds like a boys name

Julie: I know weird right?

Ruka: yea I feel you, I know a pair of shek called hornsy and bonesy

Julie: chuckles softly they sound like an interesting pair

Ruka: well with my boss hornsy, he's a bit of an idiot

Julie: how so?

Ruka: Well for one, he doesn't believe in honour nor glory, second, he's an idiot who does idiotic things all the time and thinks its funny, and finally, he's always putting his own life in danger over small things

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora