short: meet the Hornsy

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Meet the Demoman X hornsy and the black sand mercenaries

Hornsy, drunk: what makes me a good Shek? If i were a bad one I wouldn't be here chatting about it with you, would I?

Cutaway involving hornsy and the gang charging against a group of fogmen


He then goes in punching and slicing any pale bastard that gets in his path

Hornsy, drunk: a slice here, a punch there, a severd limb or 2. AND YOU'RE DEAD!

Hornsy, drunk: *drinking cactus rum*

Cutaway to hornsy doing a backflip off a swamp tree and stabbing a red sabre in the head

Hornsy, drunk: *still drinking*

Cutaway to hornsy sliding under a beakthing and narrowly missing its beak, and then proceeds to cut its legs with his nodatchi and his prosthetic's wrist blade bringing it down

Hornsy, drunk: *puts now empty bottle on table and is on the verge of crying* I'm just a bloody outcast Shek who's original parents tossed me out like a rotten Greenfruit! Those CENSORED are a bunch of CENSORED pieces of CENSORED who doesn't know a bonedog's CENSORED from a hotdog

He lets out a sigh as he looks towards the camera and smiles a little

Hornsy, drunk: all you fine wannabe little mercenaries out there who want to CENSORED around with me, my city, or my friends. I'll be waiting for you with the whiff of rum and sake as I send your ass into the abyss  

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now