the plan ahead

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A nice cool breeze swept through the city of Iron sand just as the sun began to rise. The caws of rock buzzers can be heard as they stir from their slumber as golden rays heat the land one again.

Inside grimmus's house, he slowly got up, Groaning and yawning as he did so. He looked around and saw Ian sat at the table, bringing 2 bowls of something to there

Ian: wake up, foods ready

Grimmus: *chuckles* you remind me of my brother William the way you said that

Ian: really?

Grimmus: yeah, even the tone you used was close enough

The pair chuckled to themselves as Grimmus got out of bed and had a little stretch. He then sat down at the table, the bowl in front of him was filled with oats and some honey. He looks down at it with mild disgust

Ian: well that's what we're having, seeing that someone didn't bother to go shopping. And besides, I was the the one who cooked this while you slept like a bloody log

Grimmus: *sigh* you do sound like my brother

The 2 then began eating while sunlight slowly began to fill the room. Later, they both headed up to hornsy's place and headed up to the 2nd level where the gang is gathered around the main table

Grimmus: hey guys, whats up?

Hornsy: oh, hey grimmus. That journal came in from world's end. we were just waiting for you to come so we can read it

Hornsy: neat

They then spent the next few minutes having Hornsy read from the journal, and then playing the audio file after that. when he was finished, the whole room went silent. some from confusion about the legendary swordsmith Metou being a scientist and that Okran and Narkos was his kids, and the skeletons realizing that the legendary CatLon was an assistant to Metou

Savant: woah...just woah

Burn: in all my life...i never knew where he came from. Only just that he existed

Ruka: what I think is that this disproves the entirety of the HN's society

Hobbs: so, I guess it's time to bring down an empire with this


Savant: what do you mean?

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Savant: what do you mean?

Hornsy: without the HN, the UC would most likely get ownership of their land and try to oppress the Shek and other independent people with their access to new resources. On the other hand, if the shek would take control, they would pose a threat to the UC and other independent factions. But seeing we're allied with both; it shouldn't be a problem. The only thing we would have to worry about is the HN attacking us for heresy, and the independent factions disliking us due to both the Shek and UC oppressing them.

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now