skin-bandits 3

30 1 0

Hornsy: so here we are, damn I wish this deluge (downpour) would end

as hornsy approaches the skin-bandit HQ, he notices a patrol of skin bandits about 30 of them all armored with the skins of their enemies, hornsy steeled himself and pressed on towards the mountaintop complex and enters the main one where a human male sat in his bed upstairs

???: who...who are you

hornsy: you savant?

savant: here to save me, right?

hornsy: save you? I'm here to bring you to justice for all the chaos u caused

savant: I CAUSED? I'm a prisoner here and these skeletons call me their god, I can never forget the screams of those innocents as their skin gets peeled from their bones

hornsy: well...even though it's not your fault the ones who posted the bounty don't care, im sorry Mabey with you gone they will disperse, now let's go

savant: please I don't want to be a slave

hornsy: don't worry, I got a plan

savant: do?

hornsy: yep, first ill take you to a united city settlement and hand you in for the bounty, THEN at night ill bust you out and we make a run for it, then we head to a thief tower and get your hair done so no one will recognize you, then your part of the family

savant: you promise?

hornsy: *holding his hand out and with a wicked smile on his face* you fucking bet

as the pair sneak out of the HQ with any valuables they can muster they are spotted by a lone sentry, as soon as the alert goes out, squads of skeletons begin to charge at them

hornsy: shit! *picks savant and tosses him over his shoulder like a sack of rice-weed*

savant: wh...what are you doing

hornsy: my flawless plan:


as hornsy with savant in-tow, they effortlessly escape the maniacal machines of meat they manage to get out of the acid rain, but the wandered into south hive territory

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as hornsy with savant in-tow, they effortlessly escape the maniacal machines of meat they manage to get out of the acid rain, but the wandered into south hive territory

Hornsy: well looks like we're out of the frying pan

???: FREEZE!!! 

said a hive prince as they have surrounded the pair, and are leveling their spears at them

savant: and into the fire

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