when retards collide

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for all intensive purpose, the title is just a joke

last time, bonesy left morn with Grug to warn his brother. as time pass the 3 parties arrive near the empty city.

Phoenix: I thought you said it was a city?

messenger: I did, what town has walls that long?


esta the stone golem: an...odd city, but it has the grounds for one

Seto: true, most likely the wish to expand after getting set up


emperor tengu: I thought you said there was a city here, its just walls

lord Shiro: i-i swear this is the location he showed me 

as the 3 parties reached the west gate, they notice each other

phoenix: ah, so I see everyone has arrived

emperor tengu: and what is the phoenix doing here so far from his nest?

esta the stone golem: and what is the mighty emperor of the UC doing so far from his comfy throne?

phoenix: that's rich coming from narko's favourite pawn, ran out of ideas to corrupt our people? 

esta the stone golem: I know that you are trying to provoke me, phoenix, but it won't work

lord Shiro: well before this gets bloody, why is everyone here?

esta the stone golem: were here to see the warrior who saved Catun

phoenix: and my intent is the same, seeing I was alerted to your movement towards here

and as they argued for a while a large shek in an ash-lander hat and wielding a rotary harpoon cannon stand above the gate

hornsy: alright I don't know whom the fuck you retards are, but can you get the fuck off my property and bicker like a polygamous married group somewhere else!

phoenix: you have a lot of nerve talking to the holy lord phoenix of the Holy Na-

hornsy: im sorry we don't give a fuck now leave before I launch a solid harpoon up you're- notices lord Shiro

hornsy: Shiro? what are you doing here? if I knew you were coming I would have some munch set up, but still, I hope you like dustwiches, cause that's all we eat

he then opens the gate

lord Shiro: I did say he was weird 

emperor tengu: hmmm, yes

the 3 leaders of the main factions then sat in the small house, with hornsy drinking from a large barrel of cactus rum (which I found out can't be made IRL)

hornsy: so...the fuck are you 3 here for?

Ruka then hits him in the back of the head

hornsy: GAHH! jeez, the back of my head!!

Ruka: im sorry for anything he says or did while he was away, he's a complete idiot 

lord Shiro: i-i know, a little odd but your friend hornsy is a genuinely nice person

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