ashend plans

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Last time, Burn and cat-lon travelled to black desert city to recruit skeletons as well as ones all over Kenshi to assist in protecting the ship's construction and to reform the 2nd empire under a more benevolent rule. They even went to recruit cat-lon's old friend Tinfist to join them. Though their plans have been made known thanks to some spies from all 3 factions. Trying to prevent a slaughter, estea sends a large force to intimidate the HN into backing off

The sun of the next day rose. It's dim orange glow illuminated all that lay before it. A light breeze blew through the city, sending loose sand and scraps of cloth among other trash tumbling across the ground. There was no sound but the wind's whisper for hornsy had ordered everyone to stay in their homes as he got anyone who was able to fight trained in the basics and were given crossbows, swords, and armour.

As the light shone through the thick jungle to the east a large force walked towards them from the west. standards of the holy nation were strewn between their lines, a single small brazier lit atop each one. As their golden banners moved like water in the wind

A loud horn went up from the city as humans and Shek rushed around grabbing their gear with the majority of the Shek behind the city's guard and militia. A single man in a chain hood walked forward in front of the main line. Minutes later, the phoenix, donned in his gold and red armour, walked down with his 2 high inquisitors at his side.

Phoenix: we're here to speak with your leader. Order them to stand down

Grimmus: well for one I doubt a massive fuck-off army like that would entitle anything BUT a friendly conversation

The phoenix stared towards grimmus, and his red eyes staring back

Phoenix: who are you?

Grimmus: call me Grimmus, a good friend of hornsy. unfortunately, he is...

An hour ago, outside the HQ's toilet

Grimmus: hey hornsy, you alright?


Grimmus: squits?

Hornsy: no, you know when your throwing up and your chest hurts

Grimmus: yeah

Hornsy: it's like that but for my ass and abdomen

Grimmus: ohhhhh, I know how that feels

Hornsy: oh gods, oh gods! NOT AGAIN AHHHHHH!

Back to the present

Grimmus: ...attending to...personal business

The phoenix pondered this. Not knowing if he should wait or leave before his forces gets ambushed. But before he could make up his mind, a small Shek force of about 5 came out. 3 guards, along with Esata and her daughter Seto

The old man looked towards the new party in front of him. his brow furrowing an annoyance

Phoenix: well if it isn't the savage queen herself, gracing this meeting with her foul aura

Esata just crossed her arms and gave a cocky smile

Esata: well I do say that you look rather impressive in that little getup, holy chicken

His left eye twitched with anger, as he snapped back

Phoenix: its phoenix, not chicken!

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