a fragmented past

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later that evening, grimmus and horny snuck towards the back of the lab near the toilets and waited. eventually, after waiting around with the 2 playing tick-tack-toe in the dirt, a quiet grinding of gears can be heard as the pair stood up and ready. part of the wall retracted and a doorway lay in front of them. standing inside is Dr.merlot gesturing them to come in.

inside is a slightly long hallway, eventually, they reach a well build and thick steel door and a black panel on the wall next to it, he then put his hand onto it and the door opened

hornsy: holy shit, that was cool!

grimmus: huh, neat

inside, leading down, was a massive room with 2 levels. the 1st having several high-quality bookshelves filled with books. nearby, lay several tables with skeleton parts strewn about, most likely figuring out how their mechanisms worked. 

he took them upstairs from the central pillar stairs in the middle. up there was a bed a desk with more bookshelves and a kitchen, over at the kitchen someone stood, preparing a mug of coffee by the looks of it. The person appears to resemble a girl with short brown hair, but parts of her, such as her neck, hips and arm and leg joint were mechanical in nature

hornsy: *under his breath while looking at the girl* what the?

Dr.merlot: oh don't mind lin, shes an experimental skeleton I found deep in an underground facility, most likely ones meant for domestic households and catering businesses 

hornsy: uhh...

grimmus: maids and restaurant workers

hornsy: ahhh, thanks

Dr.merlot: I brought her back here and used my knowledge of skeletons to repair her. now she cares for me and helps me with my research 

lin: well its the least i could do for the person who saved my life and repaired me *sets down the cup of coffee at the main desk* 

lin: *notices hornsy and grimmus* can I get you 2 anything?

hornsy: ill have a coffee with 3 sugars

grimmus: and ill have any alcohol you got 

lin: we have run and grog

grimmus: ill take the grog

lin: coming right up

she then went back to the kitchen with a smile on her face which had hornsy kinda unnerved which Dr.merlot noticed

Dr.merlot: something the problem?

hornsy: y-yeah, it's kinda weird to see a skeleton expressing emotions like that

Dr.merlot: ah yes, the ones you people see are usually the manual labour ones as well as combat ones

grimmus: true

Dr.merlot notices something odd about the hooded man that came in with the shek

Dr.merlot: um, grimmus, was it? could I speak with you over there for a moment

grimmus: sure...

they then went over to the main desk while hornsy sat at a coffee table and drank his coffee which lin brought over and begun chatting, with hornsy discussing his city and his adventures 

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now