the armored beast

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The sun rose from the east, marching its way across the early sky and warming the bitter ground with its presence. The citizens of Catun are staring to stir as they go about doing their own business. Meanwhile, the black sand mercenaries are preparing to head south towards fish island to rescue lord Shiro's wife

Hornsy: alright, everyone ready?

Everyone gave a round of thumbs up and other signals to say that they're ready. But just before they head out, a group of mercenaries comes up to hornsy

Mercenary leader: well, well, well. Hornsy, its good to see you again

Hornsy: hey...mercenary guy

Narm: call me Narm

Hornsy: sure thing. Also quick question, why are you here?

Narm lifted his tricorn hat, his sandy skin almost blended in to the side of the cliff

Narm: lord shiro asked us to assist you in rescuing his wife

Hornsy: oh, so you'r the help he said we'll be getting

Narm: looks like it, seeing that you and I had a bit of history during the siege, he thought it would be fitting to pair us with your group

hornsy cracked a smile and gestured to the cargo cart

Hornsy: hop in, we're going fishing

The 20 mercenaries armed with crossbows, mounted up on the cargo waggon and with Grug taking point, they headed off south. Around 5 minutes later, they reached the beach. A small walkway of sand lay in front of them, too weak to bring the carts or Grug across so they got out. Bonesy, Ian, and Hornsy's farther decided to stay put with 5 mercenaries to guard to waggons

They start making their way across the sand bar, its wet grey sand slops and gloops as Agnu has to carry beep and green on his back so they dont sink. All together they made up around 27 men. 12 being hornsy and CO, while the others were Narm's mercenaries.

Eventually, they reached dry land and got their gear in order. Chung and izumi with their medical supplies, hobbs, green and the other crossbowmen with their bolts and the rest with their blades, and Agnu wielding a massive fuckoff hammer Bonesy made for him.

They quietly sneaked up into the large city where a large gathering of fishmen stood idle. Their numbers ranged in around 50. Eventualy, a large figure stood up. 2 massive dark red claws at his sides while his black eyes filled his elongated head and thick chitinous Armor cover his being and stood much taller that his underlings.

Hornsy furrowed his brow...well, as best as he can.

Hornsy: that's the gurgler king? Was he always that big?

Ruka: apparently the stories weren't that accurate

Savant: I thought he had 4 arms?

Burn: and walked on 4 crab legs

Grimmus: well whatever we do, we shoul-

Before he could finish a series of loud thuds came from behind the king as a massive 3m tall humanoid walked out decked head to toe in black and red armour, with red being the majority of what on him

???: so, you got the girl?

The gurguler king responded in a series of clicks and squirts

???: mmm, good. She will be a useful bargaining chip to acquire territory in the south

The king then clicks and chirps impatiently

the adventures of hornsy and the blacksand mercsWhere stories live. Discover now