heaven's angel

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It's been a while since the gang has first arrived with beep almost taking Hornsy's head off with a harpoon. And with burn almost reducing the ship to ash after a malfunction with the kitchen. Eventually on the last day, a group of Morn citizens and mercenaries arrives at the compound with them saying a group of 50 holy nation troops, led by the phoenix himself, have snuck pass their defences and are coming here

Hornsy: shit. Alright, you guys get on the ship and get acquainted with everything on it

Morn civilian: the ship?

He points over to the large airship currently a hole in the ground

Morn civilian: holy shit, that's awesome

Hornsy: thanks, my brother designed it

Some time passed with Hornsy gathering everyone together to mention the incoming attack. Naturally some of the gang looked rather unnerved seeing that they're to face down a horde of HN troops, as well as the phoenix himself

Cat-Lon: shit, We're not ready yet.

He looks towards Grimmus and Hornsy

Cat-Lon: we need you guys to keep them busy while we finish things up here

Grimmus just nodded in agreement, knowing that what was about to happen would be worth it

Grimmus: hell yeah, you can count on us

Cat-Lon: oh, I almost forgot

He gestures over to a nearby chest which Grimmus walks over to.

Cat-Lon: you left this behind when you first came here

Grimmus: wow, this would have helped earlier. Though it would have attracted a lot of attention

Hornsy: what is it?

Grimmus just turned towards his Shek friend and smiled

Grimmus: you'll see

About an hour later, the mercenaries and other archers are situated on the wall, manning turrets and their own crossbows. Meanwhile at the gate, Hornsy, Ruka, Savant, Agnu, Burn, Sadneil, and Beep are ready and waiting for the enemy whilst Bonesy and the others are waiting on the ship

Hornsy: alright guys, our first proper battle. Try not to die because that would be rather disappointing if you did

Grimmus: it's alright. if I'm here, you won't have to worry about that

They all turn around to find grimmus decked out in black armour with red and white lines. Almost every part of him is covered apart from his head and lower legs and his arms being lightly armoured. Emblazoned on one of his pauldrons is what looks to be an emblem

 Emblazoned on one of his pauldrons is what looks to be an emblem

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