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the start of this series originated with me posting these on FB, which i then copied over, so expect the quality and spelling to be hit and miss. i then upgraded to the free version of Grammarly which i found was crap, and now i use Microsoft Word

furthermore, this was my first ever try at creating a story, so good sentence structure, great vocabulary, and other things will be a bit rare. though in the later episodes i do get a lot better with my writing (even though the dialogue looks like a script, as my 1st stint at creative writing was with 2 friends in the philippines/indonesia/malaysia RPing on a hyperdimention neptunia FB group...yeah it was fun)

also, this series DOES take place in the world of Kenshi, but as my creative mind is rather powerful, some of the lore will be changed, some drastically while some only a little

also, expect some autistic stupidity

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