Chapter 40: Taehyung.

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All of them arrived quickly, praying for Taehyung to be alright.

Staff: Kim Taehyung? He was released not that long ago.

Jungkook: He's alright??!

Staff: That's right. Sorry to make you worry.

Seokjin: It's fine. Thank God he's alright.

With that, they left.

Seokjin: Namjoon, you scared the hell out of us!

Namjoon: Hey! I was scared myself! I better go now, see if Taehyung is home.

They all waved their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

That night wasn't pleasant for Seokjin. His head was disturbed with another vision he was getting.

Taehyung was breathing heavily, an empty, sick look was seen in his eyes. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin were holding him because he seemed so much as if he was about to faint. Seokjin saw Jungkook who didn't seem to feel good, so he ran away, followed by Yoongi.

Taehyung soon came to his senses.

Namjoon: You feeling alright Taehyung?

Taehyung: I... I think...

The three leave Taehyung in the room, when Seokjin reveals himself.

Seokjin: What was that all about, Taehyung?

Taehyung: ?!! Hyung?! What are you--

He is being interrupted when a punch was sent into his face, making his fall to the ground. Seokjin sends another punch, but stops himself to say,

Seokjin: I'm sorry.

He punches Taehyung one more time, and... wakes up.

Seokjin: It's morning already...? God, what was that? Taehyung... what's happening to him...?


Namjoon had heard someone knocking. He went to check to see Jungkook.

Namjoon: Oh, Jungkook!

Jungkook: Hi, hyung. How's Taehyung-hyung?

Namjoon: Taehyung? Perfectly fine. Why?

Jungkook: You... received a message from the hospital yesterday that he was there...?

Namjoon gave the younger a confused look.

Namjoon: No...? Taehyung is perfectly fine. I don't know what you're talking about. I got straight home after my shift ended. Oh yeah! I started going to work again!

Jungkook was confused. How come it's like yesterday didn't happen again??? He decided not to "remind" Namjoon that he had seen Seokjin yesterday and just decided to play along.

Jungkook: That's awesome!!

He put on a fake smile as if he learns about it for the first time when they hear someone approach them.

Taehyung: Hyung, who is it? Oh! Jungkook! Long time no see!

Jungkook: He seems fine... Haha, right?? I was just passing by and decided to check in!

Taehyung: Jungkook.. We are in the middle of nowhere. Are you sure you were just "passing by"?

Jungkook: A-aah! Right, I--

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