Chapter 9: That's how we are now.

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*some days later*


Jungkook: I'm gonna head out for a bit.

Brother: *shouting from the living room* No one cares!

Jungkook: Of course.. *gets out*

Jungkook: *after some time walking* Should I go check on others..? After everything happened, we haven't spoken to each other...

*at Yoongi's*

Jungkook knocked on the door once he arrived, but soon realized that the door was open.

Jungkook: The door's open?

He walks in to see the house that was a complete mess.

Jungkook: What the hell happened here??! 

Jungkook was out of his thoughts once he heard sobbing coming from another room.

Jungkook:  ? What the...? Is that Yoongi-hyung...? *knocks on his room door* Hyung? Is that you in there?

Yoongi: Jungkook?

Jungkook: I'm coming in.

Yoongi: DON'T YOU DARE!!

Jungkook was frozen by Yoongi's yelling. He wanted to come in and see what's wrong, but walked away from the door, being afraid of the consequences.

Jungkook:*hears: Yoongi: SHIT!!!*  *hit* !!...


*with Namjoon*

*knock knock*

Namjoon: ? *opens* ? Taehyung-?!

Namjoon could only say the younger's name when he noticed Taehyung covered in bruises and breathing heavily. The only thing Taehyung could mutter out was 'Hyung...' before he lost consciousness.

Namjoon: !!!? *catches him* TAEHYUNG?!! TAEHYUNG!!!!

*some time later*

Taehyung: Ugh...

Namjoon: You awake?

Taehyung: Namjoon-hyung..

Namjoon: Damn, you look like hell. What happened?!

Taehyung remembered him crying in pain while trying to fight back to stop his dad from beating him up even more, but it was useless since the other had no mercy.

Taehyung: I... I will tell you when I am ready to talk about it...

Namjoon: Alright.

Taehyung: Hyung... Can I stay with you for some time...?

Namjoon: Uh, yeah, sure.

Taehyung: Thanks...


*with Jimin and Hoseok*

Jimin and Hoseok were simply fooling around at the abandoned railroad when all of a sudden, Hoseok collapsed. Jimin saw it and rushed towards his hyung, when Hoseok sat up.

Hoseok: Fooled ya! Haha!

Jimin: Hahaha! Don't do that!

He jokingly hit the older's shoulder while the two continued laughing.

Hoseok: Hey! I've got an idea! I found another place! We should go there!

Jimin: Lead the way!

Soon enough, they arrive at a not working water station.

Hoseok: There! We can do whatever we want in here! And there's a lot more space in here!

Jimin: Water station...?

Hoseok: Don't worry~! It's long time not working!

Jimin: Alright!

*some time later*

Hoseok: Be right back! Wanna take out something from the car.

Jimin: Alright! I'll wait for you here.

Hoseok leaves the place and Jimin continued dancing singing to himself when he felt his feet getting wet.

Jimin: Water...?

He looked at the 'not working' water tubes that had water spilling out. Jimin wanted to run out right there and then but he just froze on the spot.

Jimin: It's gonna fill up the whole place!! Why can't I run?!!!

The water only kept filling up the whole place and Jimin couldn't even scream.

Jimin: Hyung...! Please save me!!! Hyung!!!

As Hoseok returned, he had felt that he had stepped on water.

Hoseok: Water...? !! Jimin...!

He rushes in, and the water splashes out, revealing Jimin lying on the ground unconscious.

Hoseok: Jimin!! JIMIN!!! *shakes him up* *tears appear* JIMIN, PLEASE!! *voice breaks* NOT YOU TOO!!! JIMIN!!!!

Hoseok didn't know what to think. He was feeling like he was gone for too long. He was blaming himself for leaving. He couldn't even think properly due to the shock of seeing his dongsaeng like that after what had just happened to his hyung. But luckily for the two, Jimin woke up.

Jimin: *cough cough cough* *cough cough*

Hoseok: JIMIN!!! *hugs him*

Jimin: H... Hoseok-hyung... *hugs him back* *shaking*

Hoseok: I'm sorry I haven't come sooner!

Jimin: Hyung... Let's get out of here...

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