Chapter 20: "You, guys..."

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As the doctor left, a tall man entered the room first.

Jimin: !

Hoseok: No way...!

Right after, a guy with a hood on entered the room also.

Jimin: Taehyung-!

And lastly, the youngest of them all, entered the room.

Jimin: Jungkook-- Taehyung-- Namjoon--

Hoseok: You, guys...

Jimin: What are you-? How did you-?

Namjoon: You two are such idiots.

Hoseok, Jimin: !...

Namjoon: What the hell were you two thinking?

Jungkook: Hyung, please don't. You already yelled at Yoongi-hyung.

Jimin: What?! Yoongi-hyung is here?! What happened to him?!

Jungkook: He almost died in fire.

Hoseok, Jimin: What?!!

Taehyung: Jungkook saved him though.

Namjoon: And you two?! What were you thinking?! Why were you two unconscious?! Why was Jimin wet and barely breathing, huh?!

Jungkook: Namjoon-hyung, keep it down...

Namjoon: Tch-!

Namjoon didn't know how to react. He was mad and upset. He tried staying calm, but in a situation like this, it is pretty hard. He walked away to stand near the wall to calm down.

Taehyung: Jimin... did you try to drown yourself?

Jimin: !!... H-how do you know...?

Jimin lowered his head which made Taehyung realize the reason why Jimin was wet when they found him.

Taehyung: S-so it's true...! You were trying to drown yourself!!

Hoseok: No, you got the wrong idea, Tae!

Taehyung: Then explain.

Jimin: First, answer my question. How did you know I was drowning?

Taehyung: I saw you in my dreams.

Jimin: ?! You got psychic dreams?!

Taehyung: I don't know. But you-- Are you stupid enough to drown yourself!?

Hoseok: Taehyung, no, you got the wrong idea! Jimin-- Both of us, we... we don't control ourselves...

Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook: ??

Jimin: Taehyung, I don't drown on purpose, the complete opposite! I am trying to stay out of water because I'm scared! When I am in the water I feel like someone is pulling me down more and more. And the more I'm trying, the more I drown. That's how it feels to me, and it the end I just give up since I can't do anything.

Hoseok: I can't control myself either. I became a lot more stressful. When I saw Jimin drowning or whenever doctors were trying to wake him up, my heart was pounding really fast and I passed out.

By the time the two finished explaining, they heard Taehyung mumbling something.

Namjoon: What was that?

Taehyung: ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵃˡˡ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᵘˡᵗᵎ It's all my fault...! It's all my fault!!!

Jimin: Taehyung-

Taehyung: I knew something was wrong but I never did something to prevent it!

Namjoon: But you never thought your dreams were true, right?

Taehyung only nodded.

Jungkook: Should we... check on Yoongi-hyung...?

Namjoon: Do you think he wants us to come?

Jungkook: I know he sure seems like he hates us, but he is our friend-- no. He is a family. We've all been through a lot. All of us are not just friends. We laugh together, we cry together! We sing and dance together! ... And we care for each other. We are a family. Seokjin-hyung might not be here under the same sky with us, but he still with us. I'm sure that he watches over us and I think... that when he sees us like that... it hurts him more than us.

By that time, everyone's faces were red and tears were streaming down their faces.

Namjoon: Jungkook-- why did you--

Jungkook: I didn't want you to doubt that Yoongi-hyung wants to see us.

Namjoon: God, Jungkook-! I didn't mean it that way!

He then laughed a bit, whipping off the tears.

Namjoon: Let's go.

Jimin: We want to go too--

Namjoon: No, Jimin, stay here and rest. You had a weak pulse when we found you.

Hoseok: So it was you who brought us here.

Namjoon nodded.

Namjoon: Rest up.

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