my war

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you go paint balling with the boys.

word count:

my war-black flag

"Alright, so, are you guys ready?" The instructor's voice asked, breaking my daze as I stared into the field. Everyone else murmured in agreement when Kira nudged my side, "Ivy, are you ready?" "Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, let's get it done." I nodded, getting up and straightening out my shirt. As we walked out to the field, Duff leaned down and whispered to me, "Were you even listening?"

"To what?" I quirked an eyebrow. He chuckled a little and shook his head, "The instructions, genius." I nodded, waving him off, "Calm down, Sasquatch. This ain't my first rodeo." While the demonstrator passed out gear, he explained how to secure them on. I nodded, strapping on the helmet and slipping into the heavy jacket. Finally, we got our guns.

"Ready?" The speakers boomed with the voice of our teacher, a whistle then sounding to signal that the game began. Immediately, I aimed for Slash. He was my first target. His curls were secured into a low ponytail, but hung out of his helmet, giving away who was under the gear. After all, he insisted on leaving his jacket unbuttoned, even after the instructor scolded him about safety precautions.

I ducked behind a barrel and aimed directly for his core. I had played paint ball before, so this was nothing new. Just as the pellet bursted against his skin, he looked down to his stomach and gasped. Dramatically letting out a shriek, he dropped to his knees and holding his stomach. One down, four to go.

We agreed that Kira and I would be on the same team, though the boys were constantly reassuring that if we were 'scared', it was okay. What they didn't know was that Kira and I were quite the players, and had a bit of practice. I shot a few bullets near Izzy, catching his attention in a split second. He pointed his gloved hand to me, shaking his head then aiming toward me. "Fuck!" I hissed, splitting from behind them barrel and running toward another wooden crate.

Seeing Steven have trouble with his jammed gun, I realized this was my exact moment to move in. I got down onto one knee, checking who was around me before aiming at him. I shot him directly in his bicep, a cry sounding from him before Duff turned the corner. I tried to steady my aim, but the lanky fucker wouldn't stop moving.

"Duff! Help! I'm down! Man down!" Steven called theatrically, dropping onto his back and beginning to fake-die. What a drama queen. I aimed a pellet for Duff's chest, but missed by just a few inches. He quickly spotted me, laughing and beginning to run toward me. "No! Shit!" I yelled, stumbling to get back onto my feet before sprinting to hide from him. "Go! Get her, Duff! Get her!" Steven shouted after us.

"Kira! Kira, cover me, dude!" I ordered as I bolted passed her. Her head shot to Duff, who was on my tail only a few yards behind. She quickly switched her aim from Axl to Duff, pelting him with bullets directly in his chest. "You're a Dead Shot, babe." he scoffed out of breath, chuckling and patting her shoulder.

Kira went back to watching Axl like a hawk, but he was gone. "Find Axl and Izzy, they're the last two in! I've been chasing after Axl the whole time!" she barked, turning on her heels and keeping low while she looked for Axl. "I got Izzy!" I called, to which she nodded. The rest of the boys had made their way back out of the field, since I had shot them. Now, it was two against two. I spotted him reloading his paint balls behind a crate, his foot barely
peaking out from behind it. "You're mine Stradlin!" I yelled.

His head snapped up over the wood to search for me, his eyes soon securing their target. I quickly hailed my fire onto him, missing every shot. "Motherfucker!" I groaned, shaking the gun to unjam it. He ducked back down, returning back to above the crate once he had loaded his bullets. "No, no, no!" I whined, aggressively jiggling the trigger of the gun.

"You're mine." he called, walking toward me in open range. "Fuck you!" I yelled back, still hiding behind the crate. Finally, after an eternity of hitting the gun's barrel against the dirt, it was working. "Back away, Stradlin." I warned, rising to my feet while pointing my gun to him. "Your call, Ivy. You wanna do this the easy way, or the hard way?"

"Depends. I want whichever way is going to get your ass out, Johnny Thunders." Now, we both had our guns aimed toward each other, standing only a few yards away in the open field. "Alright, alright. How 'bout this. I'll let you win. Ladies first. Take your shot, hon." He raised his hands, one of them still holding the gun.

"I don't play easy." I shook my head, still aiming my gun for his chest. "Alright, your loss." he mumbled, quickly shooting a bullet toward my arm. Just as I tried to weave it, it skimmed my sleeve. "Shit!" I threw down my gun, pulling the cloth into my view for a better look. Yellow paint was skidded across the fabric, marking me out. I couldn't believe he actually hit me! "Aw, don't be a sore loser." he cooed, bringing me into a hug after snatching my gun up off of the ground. He switched on the safety and tugged his helmet off, I soon did the same.

"Not too shabby, Iz." I patted his chest, swinging the helmet by my side while we approached the rest of the group. I quickly noticed Axl with his arms crossed, grumbling obscenities to himself while Kira taunted him like a child, "How does it feel, Ax? How did it feel for that bullet to hit you? I mean, I wouldn't know."

I shook my head, laughing while I handed my gear to the instructor. "I hit him!" Kira exclaimed, brining both of her hands up over her head for a double-high five, our celebratory tradition. "Yeah, I can tell." I smiled. "Good news is, Ax.. I got out Ivy." Izzy mumbled to the redhead, who immediately spread a cocky smile across his lips. "Nice, Iz! Man, she's such a sore loser." he chuckled. "Yeah, you're one to talk. You're throwing a temper tantrum 'cause you got hit." I mocked. He grumbled a "Fuck off." before slumping back onto the bench.

I made my way over to Slash, Steven, and Duff. Slash wasn't wearing a shirt while he was laying on the bench's table, and they were all ogling at the bloody bruise that was painted on his skin. Steven poked at it, earning Slash to hiss and slap his hand away, "Stop it, fucker! It hurts!" Duff snickered, turning away so Slash wouldn't scold him too. I sat beside him, giving an apologetic smile, "Sorry about that."

"Hey, it'll leave a gnarly mark. The chicks are gonna dig it." he nodded, smirking at the thought. "Man, no girl is gonna want to stare at your gross bruise." Duff rolled his eyes. "I'm looking at three that are lovin' it right now." Slash mocked back, pointing his gaze at each one of us. "Shut up, dude." Steven laughed, slapping his stomach.



!! r. speaks:
hey! here's the first story/chapter of my one shots book! i haven't written a gnr book that's published yet, but stay tuned ;) comment-i'd love to read them- and save to ur libraries and all that good stuff. peace!

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