Everything is Just 𝘗𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘺- Ch. 37

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Isn't it just perfect to wake up, struggling to breathe?

Red orbs opened as small breaths escaped his lips, something permitting him from breathing. Bakugo tried to sit up only to see a familiar greenette laid out on top of him. The ash blond paused, taking in this moment, just having Midoriya cuddle with him as he slept was amazing.

Well, except for the fact that he was slightly suffocating with Midoriya sprawled out on top of him.

Bakugo studied the boy's face, which was lying on his chest at the moment, and couldn't bring himself to wake up the greenette. So, he slowly repositioned himself, trying to at least be side by side instead of the six foot teddy bear squishing him like a pancake.

Crimson red orbs stared at the ceiling before flickering back to the freckled face that belonged to Midoriya. Bakugo laid on his back as he took the time to relax a bit; he still had his heat but it wasn't constantly bothering him, thankfully. Heats are usually spent at home since they usually happen in waves, at any given time. As of right now, he was hungry, but he also didn't want to leave Midoriya's side, afraid something might happen to him if he was away for too long.

So, Bakugo opted to stay in the bed as he turned over to cuddle the greenette. Though, he noticed when Midoriya had winced and groaned when Bakugo had hit a spot near his stomach. The ash blond paused before poking near the spot again, eventually earning a pained hiss from the other teen.

Emerald eyes opened while scarred hands moved to hold the spot but he felt other hands near it. He looked down to see Bakugo on the bed next to him. Apparently, someone else had heard Midoriya groan and hiss, so they had walked over to investigate; Bakugo spoke first.

"What happened?" The ash blond demanded, glaring at the greenette. Midoriya opened his mouth to answer but quickly shut it again, breaking eye contact with the ash blond.

"It's nothing. I'm just sore," he grumbled.

"Sore? Last time you said you were sore you came back to school a whole three or four inches taller," Kirishima chimed in as he stepped a bit closer, though not to close; Bakugo would growl if he did. The redhead paused before the shook his head, the greenette letting out a small breath.

The ash long had furrowed his eyebrows, "Yeah I don't think you need to grow anymore. You're already a fucking giant." Bakugo huffed as he took a second to think. Though, Todoroki decided to ask his own question, having heard part of the conversation.

"Why are you so tall, anyways? Your mother isn't that tall," The dual haired teen inquired, bringing up a question that had been tucked away for a while.

"Yeah, I guess she isn't...." he paused as he sat up on the bed, feeling slightly queasy. "I'm just sore cause of extra training..." he swallowed a lump in his throat. Bakugo was quick to notice the boy's face turn pale; he sat up and pulled the greenette towards himself.

Family wasn't something Midoriya really wanted to talk about right now.

He forced himself up and out of Bakugo's grasp as he made a beeline to the bathroom. He closed and locked the door rather hastily as his body slowly started to give up on him. He sat on the floor as he lifted up his shirt to look at the 'sore' part on his side.

Damn, he thought as he looked to see blood trailing down his skin. His eyes tracked the blood up to a spot on his skin where a needle was imbedded. How could he be so stupid? To fall asleep with a needle in his pocket? He was lucky that it: one, hadn't punctured Bakugo, and two, it wasn't that deep in his skin. The needle had poked out of the bag and planted itself in his side.

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