They Can't Know- Ch. 31

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Aizawa had walked up to the front desk, asking what room Izuku Midoriya was in. The lady at the front desk happily gave him the room number, room 314.

He nodded as he told the class about it, suggesting the idea that they should go in groups because as a class, they would be way too loud.

And that's how he got the class to shut up.

They went up to the room with Aizawa leading the way. It was quite an odd sight, actually. Having a bunch of kids following this, seemingly homeless, guy around the hospital like they were on a class field trip. Though, the kids seemed to be anxious, some more than others.

Aizawa stood in front of the door, room 314, and waited before turning back to the class. "Don't do anything...drastic. I need you to be calm when I open the door, okay?" The class nodded their heads as Aizawa opened the door, but quickly realized there was no sign of the greenette in the room. He froze and so did the rest of the class. He left the door for a student to hold and rushed over to the bathroom to find it closed. He honestly didn't care at the moment and opened the door, only to find the bathroom empty as well.

"Fuck..." he cursed under his breath. He stood there frozen until he turned around, snapping his attention to the now distressed teens that had poured into the room. "Someone go get a nurse, a doctor, someone," he instructed. None of the class had moved so he pushed past his students and ran down the hall until something caught his eye. He stopped for a second and looked at the number of the room that had caught his eye.

It was room 311.

He knew it probably wasn't very polite to do it, but he peeped through the door to see two different people, each with green hair. He froze. The hero hesitantly knocked on the door only to see the greenette next to the bed looked up; they had been laying their head on the bed and seemed to be sitting in a A wheelchair.

Aizawa recognized those large emerald eyes and freckles from anywhere.

He opened the door and stormed inside, his eyes were red and his hair floated up. "So you woke up how long ago and didn't tell anyone?" He growled as he looked down at Midoriya in his wheelchair. His eyes stopped glowing when he noticed the tears rolling down his student's face.

"I just want my *hic* m-mom..." he cried as he wiped his eyes with his one good arm, the other was in a cast. He made a low whine at the pain of moving; his eyes flickered back to his mother who was laying in the hospital bed. "Months.....months or years without her...*hic*....what am I going to do? I-"

Aizawa crouched down in front of Midoriya and wiped the tears off of his face. The black haired hero didn't know what to say; he wasn't very good with situations like these so he blurt out the first thing that came to mind. "You know, I'm really proud of you... You were very stupid for doing so but you risked your life to save Bakugo," he gave the boy a playful smirk, making the greenette give a small, shaky smile in return.

His smile quickly faded and his tears seemed to stop, though he was still hiccuping. "Wh-where are the others?" He whispered as he looked into Aizawa's eyes, worry and fear playing on his features. "Kacchan's okay, right?" He asked, slightly louder than last time.

The black haired male nodded as he sighed, "Actually we should head back there. They were really worried when we found you weren't in your room. So...don't do it again." The freckled teen laughed a little as he wiped his eyes again and Aizawa stood up. The greenette sadly glanced towards his mother's bed.

He bid his mother farewell before going to move his wheelchair forwards. He felt it move and looked up to see Aizawa grabbing the handles on the back and pushing it. "You might have an arm without a cast on it but that doesn't mean you should still use it. It's sprained so stop moving it everywhere," the hero scolded but wore a slight smirk on his face. Midoriya noticed and smiled softly back before nodding his head and focusing on what was in front of him again.

Not Who I Appear to be- Omegaverse- DekubowlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz