An Idea- Ch. 22

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"Go faster!" Eri laughed as she was on Togata's shoulders while he jogged. Midoriya and Kota were trailing behind, with Kota still on the greenette's shoulders. Currently, they were heading back from the store. After they had went to the dorms, they checked the cabinets and noticed that they were low on food and ingredients, so the four headed to the store to get a few things.

Midoriya laughed as he watched the two up ahead. He readjusted the bags in his hands and sighed, remembering the letter he had received and a certain family issue he had to deal with. He was brought back when he felt a small hand tap his cheek. He looked up and tilted his head back to see Kota looking at him. "They're waiting for us," he mumbled as his eyes flickered up towards the two and back down to the greenette's eyes. Midoriya faced forwards again and realized just how far they had walked from the store-they were already back at UA!

After getting into the dorms and setting the ingredients they didn't need away, the four started to get to work. Before that, Midoriya had the two kids wash their hands while he went to get something(or someone).

He headed to the elevator and was about to click on the button to take him to the second floor, but he quickly changed his mind when he tapped the button for the fifth floor. He thought it was a good idea to check on Todoroki. After all, he hadn't seen him since yesterday.

Midoriya walked up to Todoroki's room but stopped when he noticed something. It was a pile of blankets, but it was in the middle of the hallway-in front of his door. The greenette rushed up and a small bit of red and white hair peaked out. "What are you doing in the middle of the hallway?" Midoriya asked as he kneeled down next to the blob of blankets.

Todoroki's head peaked out a little more, showing his flushed face, "I wanted something with someone else's scent on it. The door was locked so I waited here..." Midoriya sighed as he looked at the dual haired teen. Without a word, he picked up the blob with Todoroki still wrapped in it and walked the couple of steps to Todoroki's room, receiving a groan of annoyance from the dual haired teen.

Midoriya set Todoroki down on the futon. "Why exactly would you need something with someone else's scent on it? Omegas are usually the only ones who really need it," Midoriya paused before answering his own question, "But I suppose it would help comfort you, right?"

The dual haired teen just stared at the greenette while he talked, but meekly nodded his head yes at his question. Midoriya sighed a little but stood up anyways, "So I'm guessing you want me to get something from Iida, Uraraka, Asui, and Yaoyorozu...?" Todoroki paused and glanced up to meet emerald green eyes.

"What about yours?" Todoroki sighed dejectedly. It wasn't even the teen's fault for asking the question, it was just his inner beta that longed for anything that had to do with the greenette. Was that why he ended up in front of his room? The dual haired teen just wanted to sleep in Midoriya's bed, even if he did prefer futons. He just wanted something but he wasn't entirely sure why; he knew he wouldn't be able to go into the room, but he waited next to the door anyways. Hell, Todoroki wouldn't have cared if Midoriya's scent was there or not, he just wanted-no-needed something, anything to do with the greenette.

He was more than upset when Midoriya shook his head no.

Without even realizing it, Todoroki started crying. He noticed that Midoriya's eyes grew wide before he felt the hot tears fall down his face. Why the fuck am I cryin- his thoughts were interrupted by a warm embrace. You know what? Maybe my beta side isn't that bad, he thought as he melted into the greenette's arms. Midoriya let go after a couple of minutes, pulling back to look at Todoroki's face. He wiped the boy's tears with the paws of his sweater. Cute, Todoroki thought when he noticed. He looked up into Midoriya's eyes but noticed something else. The dual haired teen reached out and rubbed his thumb under Midoriya's eyes, the same as Bakugo did earlier. He noticed the dark circles didn't go away and concluded they were eye bags.

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