Nothing You Can Do- Ch. 30

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Aizawa sat in his chair, thinking about how everything was tying together. He noticed that the couple of days the greenette had to spend with Kota made the teen tired. But he just thought it was due to taking care of a kid, not worrying about his hospitalized mother. Was that why Midoriya left Kota with the class on Tuesday? Aizawa only heard about it on Wednesday; the boy had asked where Midoriya had went the day prior and why he couldn't go. Only for Midoriya's response to be, "You don't need to worry about it."

~~~~~~~Roughly Two Weeks Ago~~~~~~~

It was after Aoyama had exited the room, seemingly embarrassed about them cuddling. Midoriya shrugged it off as he waved the blond goodbye, though he was already out of the door as soon as he muttered a quick goodbye. The greenette was left alone until his eyes shifted over to the drawer in which he put the photo of his mother and father.

Oh how it made his heart ache.

The thought of his mother in the hospital, in a coma? He couldn't bare the thought. He remembered what the detective told him on their way to visit her at the hospital that day. He was told that his mother was found unconscious near where she had been working at the time, that she appeared to be deprived of oxygen while also receiving a head trauma.

Midoriya had stayed silent for the ride, thinking about the different reasons as to why it had happened. Finally, he spoke up, "Do you at least know who did it?" A lump formed in his throat while asking.

The detective, in return had just shook his head, "We're not completely sure. Whoever these people were, they obviously aren't small time criminals; they were careful about not leaving any evidence behind." Midoriya hummed at the new information, wanting to give the detective a sign that he had heard what was said.

They finally arrived at the hospital; Detective Tsukauchi had brought Midoriya to her room: 311. The greenette opened the door hesitantly, not prepared for what he had seen on the other side.

His breath hitched as he noticed his mother lying there unconscious. The only sound in the room was the heart monitor. The realization hit him. His mother was really in a coma. She wouldn't be there for him for who knows how long. He felt a burning in his chest.

The greenette rushed towards the bed, pulling up a chair next to the unconscious woman. He took her hand and relaxed, smiling slightly while closing his eyes, "Well at least you're still here..."

He opened his eyes and noted the amount of injuries she had. He frowned and had to stop himself from messing anything up out of anger. Who could have done this to someone as sweet as his mother? Was it because someone found her vulnerable? She was an omega so that could be it. Izuku hated that it was the only reason he could come up with. But why specifically her? The greenette remembered Detective Tsukauchi didn't mention any other victims so why was his mother beat up so badly? If the assaulter had anything against omegas, there were plenty of them, and his mother worked in a fairly busy part of the city. Not that he wanted anyone to be attacked in the first place, he just found it odd.

That brought up the question: Was his family being targeted? Was it because- Did someone know about his father? Did they find out that his father-

He heard the door opening and looked towards the Detective who gave off a sad, sympathetic smile. "I'm afraid we have to leave now," he sighed. Izuku nodded, giving his mother's hand a small squeeze before standing up. It had only been a couple of minutes, but he reassured himself that he would visit again later that week.

So he did.

He stopped thinking about what had happened and tore his gaze from the photo, looking back over to his clothes to get changed. He felt bad that he would have to leave Kota behind, but the boy didn't need to go to the hospital with him; it would be too depressing.

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