That's Not What You Said- Ch. 4

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Midoriya was busy in the kitchen, making tons of gohan(steamed rice), Miso Shiru, and some grilled fish while Bakugo was busy making the side dishes, complaining that Midoriya was 'too slow'. Although, Bakugo noticed how tired the greenette looked, and decided to help since he knew a thing or two about cooking.

Bakugo looked to his side to see Midoriya barely brushing his arm next to his. "OI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, NERD? THIS IS MY WORK SPACE!" Midoriya jumped a little and turned around to see Shinso stirring awake. It seems like Bakugo noticed this too as his eyes went wide. Bakugo knew that yelling at Midoriya wouldn't make him mad, but if you messed with his friends, let's just say you were sure to see a side of Midoriya you wouldn't want to see. "Shit. Deku I-"

"Shut it," he growled, leaving the people watching shocked. Especially when Bakugo listened to the normally friendly boy. There was an awkward silence in both the common room and the kitchen, the commotion of Bakugo yelling gained everyone's attention. There were a few clanking of pots and pans to be heard, until their teacher walked in to see the class sitting in silence, sweat dropping about how their class angel got the class time bomb to listen by saying two words.

Mr. Aizawa looked around, trying to spot someone who he can ask about why the fuck his class was so terrifyingly silent. He locked eyes with Shinso, as if to say 'what happened?' To which Shinso, in reply, shrugged his shoulders to look for Bakugo who had so rudely woken him up. "Hey anger issues, what happened?" Shinso asked in his normal monotone voice.

What shocked the class was the fact that Bakugo didn't react to the nickname, he just opened and closed his mouth. Midoriya turned his head towards the ash blond, the class only seeing half of his face, but they can tell that he was seething with anger. Of course, this wasn't even the worst of it, Midoriya had to hold back some of his emotions, trying not to let his scent go out of control.

Midoriya broke the deafening silence and spoke to Bakugo, "If the first thing that comes out of your mouth isn't a sorry, we're gonna have a problem." Everyone was bewildered at the threat that Midoriya had made and even more stunned at the fact that Bakugo looked scared. Just what kind of Beta-is what they assumed him to be, anyways-was Midoriya? To make an alpha look terrified for his life?

"Sorry for waking you up, Insomniac," Bakugo muttered. Midoriya was still cooking when he had apologized, but faltered with the pan as Bakugo used a nickname, implying that his apology wasn't sincere. Bakugo noticed and before the greenette could send a glare, he spoke again, "Shinso! I'm sorry, Shinso! Are you happy now, Deku?"

Everyone watched the scene curiously as Midoriya sighed, turning around now having his normal look on his face. "Oh, hi Mr. Aizawa. Uraraka is in her dorm room if you want to talk with her," Midoriya waved as he went back to work as if he didn't just scare the shit out of everyone in the class and their teacher.

"Actually, I wanted to speak with you, Midoriya," Aizawa said as he cleared his throat. Midoriya started to set out bowls on the table, having finished the rice and soup, waiting on the fish to cook. "Ok, I also had a suggestion for a lesson we could do when Uraraka gets better. What do you want to talk about?" Midoriya asked as Aizawa leaned against the wall of the common room, watching his student set up the table, with movements slower than normal.

"Problem child, how much sleep did you get?" Aizawa posed the question. Midoriya stopped slightly at the question but continued to set down the pans of rice he had made on the table. "Uh..five hours?"

Aizawa looked at him suspiciously, but still had a look of concern on his face. Iida interrupted, trying to back Midoriya up on his claim, "He told me that this morning! I woke up at approximately seven thirty to see both him and Shinso downstairs. I spoke with Midoriya about him getting more sleep after eating breakfast. He insisted that he could make breakfast while I checked on Uraraka."

Not Who I Appear to be- Omegaverse- DekubowlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora