Just a Couple of Minutes- Ch. 28

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"Come on, Kota, we have to get ready to leave!" Midoriya yelled down the hallway. All the boy did was pout as he stayed near the elevator; the greenette was standing by his room door, ready to open it. Midoriya knew that Kota wouldn't budge so he had to think of something. "I'll let you do whatever you want until you have to go," he offered. Kota seemed to light up at that as he made his way next to Midoriya.

The freckled teen laughed as he opened the room door for Kota, about to step in when he heard a door opening and slamming against the wall. Midoriya looked over and noticed to blurs of color moving towards him until it they hit him, making him tumble to the ground. He gripped each of the blurs that he recognized as two of his classmates as he fell on his back with a small 'oof'.

He opened his eyes and felt something on top of him; he glanced down to see Sero on him with Kaminari over Sero. It took Midoriya a second to begin, "Um guys..."

They both shot up, blushing slightly at the predicament. "Oh! Sorry, dude. We kind of got too caught up in going to see if there was anything to eat..." Sero flushed as he scratched the back of his neck. His charcoal colored eyes drifted over to the freckled teen, who, had a small smile plastered on his face, sending a small wave of happiness to the boys who had laid eyes on the sight.

Midoriya sat up, his eyes glancing towards the two on the ground; he offered each of them a hand that they had gladly grabbed, hoisting themselves up as well. "I can make something if you can't find anything you want to eat," he suggested before turning to his room, "I have to do something really quick though." His forest green curls bounced as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. Now Kaminari and Sero hoped that they wouldn't find anything good to eat downstairs; Midoriya's cooking skills were more than anything they could've dreamed of. They would be damned if they didn't get to have his cooking just because they found something fairly decent to eat.

So they hid the food.

They had to act casual with what they were doing though. Apparently they weren't casual enough; Kirishima and Ashido had walked into the kitchen while they were stashing away the food. "Uhhh..." Kaminari had began, "We can explain..."

Long story short, Kaminari and Sero got some help from their friends. When they were done, Ashido had walked into the common room, hoping to find Midoriya to tell him that there wasn't anything to eat. She wasn't expecting to find Kota curled up next to the greenette. I wish that were me but that's still adorable! She held her hands to her mouth, suppressing the squeal that she almost let out. She rushed out of the room while the other guys were waiting and listening on the other side, waiting on Midoriya's response.

Kirishima spoke up, confusion lacing his voice, "Uh you didn't say...anything?" He paused when the pink skinned girl gestured towards the common room. The others had looked and had a similar reaction as Ashido, minus the squealing. Kirishima, however, was a bit more jealous than the other two.

Back in the common room, Midoriya had to tell Kota to get up; it was nearly seven and the boy would have to leave soon. A few moments later, the door to the common room had opened, revealing the Wild, Wild Pussycats. They seemed to be worn out, but their faces lit up upon seeing Kota peep his head from the other side of Midoriya. The greenette nudged the boy, in which Kota had went over to give Mandalay and the others a hug. He had left his bag and other things on the couch, next to where Midoriya was; the freckled teen grabbed the boy's belongings his as he walked over to the others. He received a small hug from Mandalay and the others, getting thank you's here and there.

Midoriya laughed slightly, giving a closed eyed smile, "It's nothing, really! I had a lot of fun watching Kota." He had set Kota's things down on the floor when he was returning the hugs he had received, so the black haired boy had rummaged through his bag, looking for something. After a while of Midoriya chatting with the pro heroes, they decided it was time to say goodbye.

Not Who I Appear to be- Omegaverse- Dekubowlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें