Same as Always- Ch. 21

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"You know, you really act like a parent, Deku," Uraraka stated as the group of friends walked down the hallway and towards the locker rooms.

The greenette looked down at her and shot her a confused glance. Asui noticed and spoke up, "At lunch earlier when you scolded Bakugo, you looked like a disappointed parent, ribbit. You're always looking after everyone in the class; you even make food for everyone ever since we were in the dorms. You always get upset when someone isn't getting enough sleep or food and you like to help people when they're upset. If I didn't know, I would say that you're Kota and Eri's dad, ribbit."

Midoriya's face flushed a crimson red when he realized that his friends might have a point. The three walking with him paused a little when they noticed how embarrassed the greenette appeared. "I-I uhmmm..." The teen couldn't form a sentence so he just ran the rest of the way to the locker room to get ready for hero training. Eri and Kota were currently with Aizawa on the training field since neither of them were allowed in the locker room. Midoriya barged into the locker room, with his face still flushed from embarrassment.

He took a breath before walking over to his locker, grabbing his new gym uniform that he placed in there before school. His face was still heated but it was slowly cooling down. "Uh...what happened?" Kaminari asked as Iida entered the locker room. The blue haired boy glanced towards the blond but decided to scan the rest of the locker room instead, looking for his friend. The blue haired boy found the greenette and tapped on his shoulder. Midoriya turned around to face Iida, only looking slightly down at the, now shorter boy. Jeez I'm still not used to this, Midoriya thought.

Iida opened his mouth and started speaking quickly while moving his arms in a chopping motion, "I apologize if what we said was-"

Midoriya interrupted him as he waved his hands in front of his face, the cherry red color slowly started to come back. "Ah-no no no! It's fine I was just...embarrassed? I didn't think that doing those things for you guys bothered you so I won't do it again!" He didn't even realize that he was backing up while he was speaking; he eventually ran into the lockers behind him.

"What does he mean by that...?" Tokoyami muttered as he got changed. Before anyone could answer, they noticed Midoriya was off to the stalls to change. Some decided to try and question Iida but all he said was 'It would be better if Uraraka or Asui explained it...'

So they asked.

Before training had started, Uraraka explained why Midoriya was so red and further supported her argument when she pointed over to the greenette, who was currently crouched down and talking to the two kids with a smile on his face. They noticed how Eri seemed a bit confused as she pulled at his gym uniform then pointed to the others, who had their hero costumes on.

Midoriya realized that the two kids were probably disappointed when they noticed he wasn't wearing his hero costume. "Oh! Well I- my costume doesn't fit me anymore so I have to wait until I get a new one. I'm sorry!" Eri just made a little 'oh' sound before asking if the teen could pick her up. Kota was a bit jealous but smirked a little when Midoriya said he couldn't. His small smirk quickly turned to a scowl when the green haired teen told the two kids they had to stay by his teacher while he trained. They reluctantly agreed.


"Idiot..." Bakugo muttered as he dragged the redhead down the hallway. Meanwhile, Midoriya was carrying Iida. The greenette frowned when he noticed the ash blond was dragging the redhead down the hallway. "Kaccchhhaaaannn," Midoriya began, though Bakugo already knew what he was going to ask of him.

"Why should I bother to carry him? We was being an idiot. Four eyes should have watched where he was aiming and shitty hair should have activated his quirk at the right time," Bakugo muttered.

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