Problems- Ch. 20

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Needless to say, Midoriya did not get much sleep last night.

He trudged his way to school, Kota in his arms. Despite being tired, Midoriya still made breakfast and acted pretty normal. Though, you could tell something was off with his movements. The freckled faced teen was busy, he couldn't be bothered with sleep. At least, that's what he thought.

When they got home yesterday, he tossed the letter aside for later and played with Kota. Then there was dinner, the movie, putting Kota to bed, cleaning, training, getting the rest of his schoolwork done that he had missed, and...worrying about the letter once he had read it. The letter had-

"Can I call you Deku?"

Midoriya was absentmindedly walking towards the school as he was consumed with his thoughts. He was caught off guard when Kota had started talking.


"Well I want to call my hero by their hero name..."

His hero? It's like Midoriya had been struck in the heart. He felt so happy to hear someone calling him their hero. It's like it just dawned on him that he was actually going to be a hero. Just like those people who he had admired all of his life. He was going to school to be a hero, it was just crazy to think about.



"Deku!" A female voice exclaimed happily. There was the sound of footsteps tapping against the floor. The class was supposed to be starting now, so who was that? The greenette stopped talking to Kota, who was sitting on top of his desk facing the teen, and turned towards the door.

Standing there was Eri, along with a very tired Aizawa with a 'I'm-so-done-with-everyone's-bullshit-already-and-the-day-hasn't-even-started' look. Everyone stopped talking and went to their seats, though Midoriya did the opposite. He got out of his seat just in time for Eri to hug him. "Hi Eri!" Midoriya smiled before crouching down to her level, in which she gave him an actual hug, since she was only hugging his leg.

Aizawa sighed as he got out of his sleeping bag. "Mr. Aizawa why exactly is Eri here? And Kota?" Kirishima questioned as he and many others watched the, honestly adorable, interaction between the greenette and the girl. Some noticed that Kota was pouting, which, they don't really blame him. Aizawa groaned, "Well I don't know about Kota but I got stuck with babysitting duty." The first part wasn't entirely true; Aizawa knew why Kota was here, he just didn't have the energy to explain.

Their tired teacher went up to the stand and cleared his throat, getting Midoriya and Eri's attention. The teen tried to stand up, but Eri still had her grip around him. She turned to Aizawa, "Can I stay by Deku?" The tired teacher let out a brief sigh before agreeing. And that's how Midoriya was stuck with two kids in his lap, not that he minded though. They started the lesson and Aizawa was surprised when Midoriya handed in the work that they did when he was gone.

The lesson carried on until it was time for English, in which Present Mic entered the room with a bang, which didn't really help Midoriya since the two kids were sleeping up until that point. The greenette sent his teacher a quick glare before telling the two they could go back to sleep. Some had to cover their mouths so they wouldn't squeal while others silently awed at the scene. It's not like the two kids had anything else to do, besides, Midoriya was oddly warm so they didn't complain when they were told to go back to sleep.

After classes, they had lunch. Midoriya held both of the kids hands as they went to the lunchroom. His friends were also walking with him to the lunchroom, but Uraraka decided to speak up, "So Deku, you got taller! Like...a lot taller!" She looked back at him, since he was trailing behind them. He nodded quickly before noticing one of the people in his friend group was missing.

Not Who I Appear to be- Omegaverse- DekubowlKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat