Just Relax- Ch. 35

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The brunette's coffee brown eyes fluttered open. She was about to sit up until she felt a weight on her left side, along with something on her own head. She also noticed the relaxing music that rang through one of her ears. The other ear picked up hushed whispers and things of that sort.

Her mocha colored eyes flickered to her left, where the weight was, only to see a well-built greenette leaning on her as he slept. Well, she assumed he was sleeping; his face was out of sight since his head was currently resting on her own.

Her face flushed a brilliant pink at the realization. She looked around, as best as she could, and noticed mixed looks of jealousy, anger, and awe. The first two were obvious but the third one was most likely because Midoriya's sleeping face probably looked cute. And Uraraka was currently missing it. She paused until the greenette near her scooted a bit closer. She noticed that his arms weren't around her, thankfully. Otherwise she would've turned a very nice crimson color. And, perhaps, she might just start floating. Instead, Midoriya's arms were wrapped around his yellow book bag.

Uraraka was just now realizing Iida's small protests against things of this sort happening on a school bus and how this wasn't very appropriate and yadayadayada. The brunette was about to ask Iida why he was so uptight and maybe ask him to relax a little bit. That is, until the invisible girl on her right side spoke up.

"I think you're just saying that cause you're jealous, Iida~" Hagakure teased as the blue haired teen began to object. "I bet if you were the in Uraraka's shoes, you wouldn't protest at all," she pointed out. Iida countered her claim, saying that he would politely ask Midoriya to stop. That was, until he thought it over a little bit, saying that he guessed it was fine the way it was right now; the two weren't being overly touchy. Midoriya had just simply fell asleep.

"Sooo does that mean that you would let Midoriya lean on your head or your shoulder while he slept?" Ashido butted in as she questioned their class rep.

"Well- I suppose so. As UA students we need sleep and- it appears that Midoriya hasn't gotten much...." Iida claimed.

"But is that because you like him or because he's your friend?" Kaminari poked at the boy with glasses. Iida's face bursted with a light pink while he claimed it was just because they're friends and 'nothing more'. "Oh come on, Iida," Kaminari persisted, "You don't at least thing Midoriya's a little cute...or hot?"

Iida's eyebrows furrowed as he rapidly chopped his hands, trying to counter people's questions and claims. Eventually a small group was poking fun at Iida, trying to get him to admit something. The blue haired teen waved his hands around to protest, but it was to no avail. He sighed as he thought things over for a minute or two.

"Yes, I do suppose Midoriya is quite charming," he huffed as he readjusted his glasses, embarrassed from the comment he had just made.

There was a small giggle before a tired, husky voice rang out in the bus, "Aww Iida. You think I'm charming?" Midoriya lifted his head up from Uraraka's head a little as his half open emerald eyes glanced over to look at his friend. He seemed to notice the blue haired teen's shocked reaction before the greenette added, "It's okay, Iida. I think you're quite charming too!" The freckled teen let a small smile play on his lips, making people's hearts flutter.

There was a small moment of silence before Midoriya turned to Uraraka. "I um- sorry about that. But to be fair you fell asleep on my shoulder first," The freckled teen gave a playful smile before asking the girl if she still wanted to listen to the music or if he should change the music. She shook her head no and said that the music was fine; she also apologized for falling asleep on his shoulder in which he replied, "It's fine! Plus I think my shoulder is a bit more comfortable than the window."

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