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Scott, Stiles, Madi, Allison, Parrish and Melissa all stand in a room, surrounding a table as they talk. "It could be a side effect of shock" Parrish brings up. "She's catatonic. It was Theo digging his way through her mind." Stiles explains. "He wasn't gentle about it either" Madi winces, rubbing the back of her neck in pain.

"Why would he do that? What is he looking for?" Melissa wonders. "The same thing he's always looking for. An advantage." Scott sighs. "So what did he gain by trying to kill Stilinski?" Parrish asks. "It left me alone with Liam. Theo wanted to make sure nobody would stop him from...killing me" "Which is also why he got Angelica to brain control me and get me as far away as possible so no one knew that either of us were hurt" Madi adds.

"Okay, so he gutted my dad as a distraction." Stiles shakes his head at the thought. "We need to find this kid." "Isn't that a little dangerous? Especially since he almost killed my kid?" Melissa brings up. "Yeah, but he said that he didn't want my dad to die." Stiles adds. "This is Theo though. Are you really gonna believe him? What if he just said that to get you to trust him?" Allison points out.

"He told me where to find him. So, maybe he also knows how to save him." "What do you want to do? Talk to him?" Melissa scoffs. "If it saves my dad, then yeah." Stiles nods. "I'll come with you. He doesn't know that I'm alive. Maybe that gives us an advantage." "He thinks I'm still headed to South America so maybe I should come too." "No way. You're going home to heal" Allison gives her stern look.

"He'll know you two are there anyways. I just need to talk to him, not fight him." Stiles starts to leave. "Stiles, you can't go alone." Melissa tells him. "Does anyone even know how to find him?" Parrish adds. "We don't have to find him. He'll come to me." Stiles says confidently.


Allison helps Madi up the stairs to the loft as Madi grunts in pain. "Almost there" Allison reassures her. "And then we have more stairs to walk up" Madi sighs out. "We've got this" Allison tells her. She helps her up the last couple of steps before opening up the loft door. She sets Madi down on the couch and Madi sinks into it with a groan.

Allison kneels beside her with a frown, pushing some hair out of her face. "Do you need anything?" Allison wonders. "I think I'm good. Thank you though" Madi tells her. Allison nods, placing the remote beside her. "I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be back" Allison starts to head up the stairs.

"Allison!" Allison pauses, looking back at her. "I'm sorry..." She tells her. Allison just sends her a small smile before walking up the stairs. Once Madi is sure the coast is clear, she painfully gets back up. She walks over to the counter, grabbing a pen. She pulls out a notebook, flipping through the different pages.

She starts walking through the loft, mapping out everything on the bottom floor, a smirk on her face. If she wanted to get anything accomplished, she needed to make sure she knew where everything was. She makes her way up the stairs, keeping her wolf hearing locked on to the running water on the shower.

She starts to map out the upstairs as well. She's halfway through the bedroom when she hears the water turn off. She freezes. She hears Allison humming to herself before slowly and quietly making her way back down the stairs. She lays back down on the couch after hiding away the notebook, turning on the television. "Madi!" Allison walks down the stairs, dressed in some pajamas, brushing her hair.

"How are you feeling?" Allison wonders. "Fine. I should probably take a shower as well" Madi groans as she slowly sits back up. Allison rushes towards her, placing a hand on her chest to pause her movements. "Are you sure you're okay to?" Allison worries. "Even if I'm not, I think I should" Madi tells her seriously. Allison seems to contemplate as Madi uses her to stand up.

A Hale and The Argent- Allison Argent (3)Where stories live. Discover now