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All three of us get out of the car, Derek explaining to us everything we'd need to know about this. "Their Alpha is a woman named Satomi. She's one of the oldest werewolves alive. And she's learned a lot." Derek informs us as Malia and I walk on either side of Derek. "What does that mean?" Malia questions curiously.

"She's a bitten werewolf. Learning control wasn't easy for her. She did something a long time ago that changed her." Derek says. "You mean at the internment camp?" I ask and Derek nods as Malia looks between us confused. "The quote is a mantra. It helps them with control." Derek adds, talking about what her pack says to stay in control. It was also what helped us when we were younger as well.

Mom had gotten the mantra from Satomi and used it to help us. "The sun, the moon, the truth" I mumble to myself. Malia suddenly stops and we turn back to look at her. "What is it?" Derek asks. "Gunpowder." She says. I look over at Derek worriedly as she starts leading us. He couldn't smell it.

She stops and looks down at the ground. Derek kneels down picking something up. It was a bullet. An empty shell actually. "If Brett's pack is out here, I don't think they're meeting. They're hiding" Derek informs us. Malia starts walking again and Derek stands to follow but I place my hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"How are your powers?" I wonder. He frowns, glancing back over at Malia before looking at me. "I can't smell like I. used to and it takes longer to heal" He explains. I sigh, shaking my head. "We should see what Braeden's gotten so far" I mention and he nods as we start following Malia again.


We all get back in the car, it being dark outside. "I'm sorry." Malia apologizes to Derek. "There's nothing to be sorry about. If they don't want to be found, then we're not going to find them." Derek says. "Must be really good hiding places" I sigh, shaking my head. "Some werewolves have an ability. A kind of mastery over their bodies where they can actually inhibit their scent." Derek explains.

"They can hide from other werewolves?" Malia asks and Derek nods. "From anyone who's trying to find them." "So that's why nobody knew about Brett." Malia realizes. "Which is why I couldn't tell in the game" I add. "Same with Demarco." Derek also adds. "Maybe we need to try something different. Maybe we need to think like Stiles." Malia suggests.

"Mal" Malia raises an eyebrow at the nickname. "I know you haven't known him for long but I'll go ahead and warn you here. Stiles is not a good person to have as a sort of mentor. He has horrible plans and ideas." I explain and Derek nods in agreement. "But he has good detective skills. If they're really Buddhists, then maybe instead of asking where werewolves hide, we should be asking..."

"Where would Buddhists hide." Derek realizes. "It's official. The Werecoyote is a genius" I smile proudly at Malia. Derek stares at the compass on the dashboard in deep thought. "When Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree, he looked to the east for enlightenment." Derek says. "Is there some kind of eastern point in Beacon Hills?" Malia brings up. "Yeah." Derek nods. "Lookout point" I answer and Derek nods, starting up the car.

We get out of the car once we arrive and walk towards the edge, looking around. Malia grabs my hand, sniffing around. We both turn to look at her since she obviously found something. I get a scent and I look around too. "You don't smell that?" Malia asks. "Wait for me. Right here" Derek instructs.

He walks away as we look at each other. We wait a second or two before I sigh. "Come on" I motion for her to follow. "He said to wait" Malia reminds me. "Do you think I ever listen to him anyways?" I scoff and she shrugs following me. We walk up beside Derek who was staring at all the bodies littered around. Wait bodies?? I stare at all of the bodies in shock. "Woah..." I breathe out.

A Hale and The Argent- Allison Argent (3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat