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"Stilinski, right?" Stiles nods as he leans across the front counter at the hospital, talking to the nurse about his Dad who was currently in surgery. "You said his insurance was with the county? He's a deputy?" The nurse asks as she looks through the computer. "No, he's the sheriff, he's the county sheriff. Okay. He's covered. I mean he-he should be covered" Stiles shakes his head.

"I'll take care of it." Melissa comes up behind him, grabbing the clipboard and pulling the teen away. "I texted Scott. Him and Allison are coming as soon as they can. We can't get a hold of Madi. I can call Malia" Melissa explains. "No, no, no. Don't, don't call anyone." Stiles tells her.

"Is there anyone else we need to notify? A next of kin?" The nurse from behind the desk calls out. "No, it's me. It's just me" Stiles sighs. Scott throws a bloody rag in the sink as he cleans his wounds. He had to get to the hospital to find out what was happening with Noah. Allison was downstairs, still trying to figure out what was happening with Madi. No one had seen her except for Stiles since her and Allison got in a fight.

Well, that Scott knew of. He breathes heavily as he looks at himself in the mirror. He shakes his head before slamming his hands onto the sink in anger. He notices the dark rings around his eyes. He grips the sink tightly as he tries to get his eyes to glow red. No matter how hard he tried though, they continue to flicker off causing him to scream in anger, slamming his hands down onto the sink again, almost breaking it.

Downstairs, Allison paces around the living room, her phone to her ear. "Madison Elizabeth Hale, you better answer your phone or there will be major consequences. I mean it. I need you to call me pronto." She hangs up the phone, running her hand through her hair. "Where are you?" She mumbles.

Once Scott patches himself up, he throws on a shirt and a jacket, grabbing his helmet and another one for Allison. He walks out of the room, looking down the hallways when suddenly, the hall seems to be getting longer. He drops the helmets to the ground, catching himself with the wall. He steadies himself, standing up straight again, only to fall against the opposite wall.

He goes unconscious, flopping to the ground. Allison pauses her pacing. "Scott?" She calls out. She throws her phone onto the couch, missing the phone call from deputy Parrish as she heads up the stairs. She gasps as she sees Scott on the ground. She kneels down beside him. "Scott? Scott, wake up. Scott, look at me" She shakes him but it's no use as he doesn't answer.

Stiles sits by himself in the waiting room, rubbing his hands together, tears in his eyes as he waits for news about his father. He shakes his head, wondering how this happened. Wondering where his friends were to support him. Wondering where Madi was, the girl who considered Noah her father.

He doesn't know how long he's there for but eventually he's fallen asleep. He starts to wake up though to the voice of Noah, telling him to get up. He gasps awake and sees Melissa there, the waiting room now empty. "Hey. He's okay. Dr. Geyer is stitching him up right now." Melissa informs him.

"Okay, I wanna see him" Stiles goes to stand but Melissa stops him. "Okay, okay. The anesthesia needs to wear off. It's gonna be at least two hours." Melissa tells him. "Okay, yeah, but everything's gonna be okay though, I mean, he's okay?" "He's gonna be just fine" Melissa assures him. "Oh, thank God" Stiles sighs out in relief.

As Allison continues to try and get Scott to wake up the door opens and she hears a ruckus downstairs. "Hello?" She calls out. She stands up, cautiously making her way to the stairs. She peaks around the corner and notices her girlfriend on the floor, face down, just as Scott was. "Madi!" She shrieks in relief and worry.

She rushes down to the Empath, getting beside her who barely had her eyes open. She was missing her shirt and her jeans were torn, blood covering her body. Madi reaches out her hand for Allison and Allison grabs it, her face etched into a frown. "Allison.... Scott?" She gets out. "He's passed out. I can't get him to wake up. Where the hell have you been?" She asks.

A Hale and The Argent- Allison Argent (3)Where stories live. Discover now