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Madi ignores the texts and calls as she wanders throughout the plant, Angelica still following behind. "What is it we're looking for?" She asks. "Something to help me remember" Madi says. "Help you remember what?" "Help me remember where the Dread Doctors are. What they did to me" Madi answers.

"They got to you? Are you a Chimera?" Angelica asks confused. "I'm not sure. But they did something to me. I've been having trouble with my werewolf powers. And I've been seeing things" Madi explains. She stops at one area, placing her hand over a symbol. A snake eating itself.

"This is it. It has to be" Madi says, looking it over. Madi gets knocked out before she can do anything though as Angelica tsks. "Not yet, Madi. Not yet" She takes out her phone, calling her boyfriend. "Madi's found it" "Where is she?" "I've knocked her out. What should I do with her?" "Take her back to the loft. Allison isn't there" Angelica hangs up before doing as she's told.


Madi follows Stiles' scent, having gotten a text from him. He wasn't at his house. She notices the familiar Jeep on the side of the road and pulls over as she watches Stiles throw a wrench at his windshield. "Stiles!" Stiles notices her as she looks him over worriedly. He was soaked from the rain. Luckily it had just stopped a few minutes ago.

Stiles frowns over at her. He walks towards his Jeep, sitting down and leaning against it. Madi frowns and sits beside him. "Theo told Scott." He sighs. "Scott told Allison" Madi adds. "Scott's mad at me" "Allison's mad at me" The two lean against the car in silence.

"We still have each other though, right? You'll stay by my side?" Stiles asks hopefully. "Of course. Always" She nods, squeezing his hand. "Where have you been anyways?" Stiles brings up. Madi tries to think where she had been recently but she can't seem to remember. "I'm not really sure" She admits.

"Like, you blacked out?" He wonders. "I have to tell you something." Madi sighs out and Stiles turns to look at her. "I think I'm one of them" She admits. "One of what? A chimera? But, you were born a wolf" Stiles points out. "I know. But...one night, the Doctors took me. They kidnapped me and dragged me to their lair. I thought it was a dream but then, when we were reading the books and I looked at the cover, I remembered it. It wasn't a dream. They put some needle in my neck." Madi explains.

"Have you had any side effects?" He wonders. "I can't sleep. I can't read. My werewolf powers have been going crazy.....I've been seeing the Nogitsune" "No, no. That's not possible. We-we got rid of him. You're a werewolf" Stiles panics, standing up.

"I don't know, Stiles. I don't know what's happening. But, you can't tell anyone. Please? I don't need anyone worrying about me" Madi begs, standing up as well. She grabs his arm. "Don't tell anyone" She repeats seriously. Stiles looks her over closely before nodding. "I promise." He nods and she gives him a small smile.


Madi pulls up on her bike outside of the school the next day, looking for Scott. He had texted her about wanting to talk. Most likely about Donovan but she had been busy. Little did she know he was trapped in the library thanks to Theo.

"Oh, gross! Jesus, get a room! Oh, my, I'm gonna be scarred for the rest of my life" Madi exclaims looking away and covering her eyes. She looks back at Theo and Angelica who had just finished making out. "Madison. What are you doing here?" Angelica wonders.

"Not wanting to watch you two make out, that's for sure. I'm looking for Scott. Did he text you too?" She turns to look at Theo. "We'll say that" He nods. "This is your girlfriend? You know what, that makes a lot of sense. You two are perfect for each other" She scoffs. She starts to walk towards the school but Angelica stops her. "Don't touch me" Madi wipes her hand off of her.

A Hale and The Argent- Allison Argent (3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora