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"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was night terrors." Lydia explains as the pack stand in a group in the parking lot, around Roscoe, before school. "Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no one can find her." Stiles scoffs. "Okay, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott pauses as they all turn to look at Liam's best friend, Mason, who looked excited and energetic. Liam had finally told him his secret.

"Minus Dick Van Dyke over there" Madi scoffs, nodding over at Mason and Allison elbows her. "Oh. I'm sorry. This is all just mind-blowing. You're a Kitsune." He points over Kira. "I don't even know what that is. Or an Empath" He motions over to Madi. "I'm still leaning" Kira shrugs and Madi nods in agreement. "Liam, we said you could tell him. Not invite him to the inner circle." Stiles scolds Liam as Liam sighs in embarrassment.

"Uh, I'm in the inner circle?" Mason tries to clarify. "No" Liam, Stiles and Madi all answer. "Guys, look, back to Tracy" Scott interrupts. "She's just one lone wolf. We can find her." Scott encourages. "One lone serial-killing wolf" Malia adds. "Uh, she only killed one person, you know. The other two were mauled." Stiles clarifies. "Thanks for the reminder" Madi grimaces at the images that flash through her head from when he showed her the crime scene pictures. Allison rubs her back comfortingly.

"All right, what do we do when we catch her?" Stiles brings up. "I say we put her down" Malia suggests. "This is why we're cousins" Madi motions between herself and Malia with a smile. "I agree" She adds. They all turn to look at Scott to see what he thinks as Mason looks between the group and Scott. "Intense" He smiles. Stiles gives him a look. "Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first. We'll figure out the rest later" Scott says and they nod.

Malia and Madi head to math class but Stiles catches up with them, pulling Malia off to the side so the two can talk. Madi walks in and finds one of the bitches already in the class and groans to herself. The girl looks up and smirks. "I've been waiting for you" She says as Madi takes her seat. "Are you really that much of a loser that you have to do anything and everything Angelica tells you to? If she jumped off a bridge after swallowing a poison pill, would you?" Madi wonders curiously.

The girl contemplates it as Madi frowns at her, unamused. "The fact you have to think about it" She shakes her head turning back around. "Angelica wants to talk after class. You and Lydia" The girl informs her. "Yeah, well, I'll have to check my schedule" Madi tells her as Malia takes a seat, looking between the two. "What's up now?" Malia wonders. "Queen of the bitchy teens wants to meet after class with Lydia and I" Madi scoffs.

"You want me to come with?" Malia asks but Madi waves her off. "Trust me, I can handle her" She asures her and Malia nods, turning to face up front to start to do the warmup. "What'd Stiles want?" Madi wonders, talking quieter so the girl behind can't hear. "He was telling me about my mom" Malia explains. "He showed the pic?" She asks and Malia nods.

The class starts and halfway through it, Madi gets a text. Her eyes widen as she reads the text from Scott. "What?" Malia whispers. "Tracy's here" She tells her. The fire alarm starts going off and people start getting up and grabbing their bags. Malia and Madi quickly get up as well and leave before the annoying minion can say anything to them.

They find Stiles outside of a classroom. "What's happening?" Madi asks. "Scott's getting Tracy and we're heading to the clinic" Stiles explains. Just then, Scott and Mr. Yukimura come out of the classroom, carrying an unconscious Tracy in their arms. Stiles and Malia hold the doors opens and they leave the school, headed for the Jeep. Madi sends off a text to the rest of the gang, letting them know what's happening before they drive to the clinic.


"Pupils dilate under normal conditions." Deaton says as he shines a light into one of Tracy's eyes. He feels her pulse as she continues to breathe heavy, a silver substance on the corner of her lips from when she fell to the floor and it leaked from her mouth. "Heart rate is 250" He moves the neck of her sweater down to get a better glimpse of a sort of rash on the side of her neck.

A Hale and The Argent- Allison Argent (3)Where stories live. Discover now