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We all stand around Scott's dead body in the Morgue. Melissa walks in, sniffling and wiping her eyes after using her great acting skills. She takes a deep breath as she looks down at him before sighing. "I still hate this plan" She admits, looking over at Kira's mom. "I mean this is pretty significantly terrifying. He looks dead." Melissa sniffles.

"Give me your hand" Nishiko says. Melissa looks over at Stiles and I who were standing beside her. "It's okay" Stiles asures her. Nishiko grabs her hand, placing it over Scott's heart. "Wait for it" Nishiko tells her. Melissa sighs in relief as she feels a heartbeat. "Okay. Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?" Melissa wonders. "Enough for an Alpha." Nishiko nods.

"How much time do we have?" Melissa asks. "Forty-Five minutes" Nishiko answers. "What happens after that?" Melissa questions. "I bring him back the same way" Kira chimes in. The plan was, Kira electrocuted Scott and made it seem like he was dead, and we were gonna get the benefactor to come and get his body but capture him before he could. "No, I mean what happens if he stays like this longer than forty-five minutes?" Melissa asks. "No one's told her?" Nishiko asks I rub the back of my neck sheepishly.

"What? What happens after forty-five minutes?" Melissa demands. "He dies" Nishiko tells her. Melissa looks between all of us before looking down at Scott's still body. Everyone goes to their designated areas. Stiles, Chris and Allison were in one of the rooms, trying to get the benefactor to come while Kira, Liam and I wait in a different room.

Soon, after Argent sets something up on the electrical box up on the roof, Stiles, Allison, Kira, Liam and I wait around some computers. "Try it now" Chris says into the phone. Stiles clicks the space bar on the middle computer and all of them light up, showing off all of the different cameras. It had worked. If I was being honest, I was glad my Empath power was gone. Because then I would have been in the same boat as Scott.

One of the cameras starts going out while we're waiting. "Is it supposed to look like that?" Liam says, pointing at the camera that went out into static. "No. No, it's not." Stiles denies. "Where is that?" Kira asks. "It's the roof. Someone's gonna have to check it out." Stiles says. "I'll do it" I sigh. "I'll go too." Kira agrees. "Whoa, whoa. This might not just be a malfunction" Stiles points out.

"That's why I'm bringing this." Kira nods, bringing out her sword. "I may not be an Empath but I'm still a werewolf. We'll be fine" I asure both Stiles and Allison because Allison was giving me a worried look. "I'm coming with you" Liam chimes in, following after us. I go to protest but decide not to, because, the more the merrier. "Okay. And you're all coming right back. Immediately" Stiles calls after us. "Be careful" Allison adds.

We make it up to the roof and look around. One of the machines suddenly explodes, sending sparks everywhere. We all cover our eyes from the brightness. "Looks like someone did something to it" Liam points out and I nod as I get a feeling. I look around as I catch a scent of something. "Guys" I call out as I glance back. The others look back as well, where a Berserker was headed for us.

Kira quickly pulls out her sword, swinging it around threateningly. Liam and I both growl at it, ready to fight. Liam runs at it, swiping at it a couple of times before it brings up it's arm, blocking his attack, grabbing him by the throat and throwing him at one of the fences that surround the different generators on the roof. I shift into my full wolf form, sprinting at it and jumping up.

I go to bite at it but it fails as it uses it's bony claw fingers to slash at my side, sending me at another fence as I yelp. Kira starts swinging her sword around and the Berserker starts backing up as she gets a couple hits on it. It blocks her last swing with it's arm and punches her in face. She grunts and falls to the ground. I get back up and leap at it again, knocking it to the ground. I get on it's chest and start biting it but it throws me up in the air before slamming me into the ground. I shift back into human with a groan, spitting up some blood.

A Hale and The Argent- Allison Argent (3)Where stories live. Discover now