Chapter 13: Red fountain

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My experience at cloudtower: Horrible. The things that go through those witches' minds was incredibly disturbing for me. We stayed there until very late, only giving me enough time to get back to the lake, the library, my house and then sleep for 3 hours only.

My eyes were heavy during first period and I rested my head on my hand to avoid dropping on my desk. "Miss Bloom, what is the answer?" the teacher asked, snapping me out of my droopiness.

"The spell for shape-shifting is shapeiuos magicus shiftus humanus," I mumbled before my head finally collapsed against the desk.

Murmurs, whispers, and laughs erupted in the classroom; except for the girl next to me, Mirta. Her eyes widened and took her head back in surprise. She just stared at me.

"Excuse me?" the teacher asked.

"Shapeiuos magicus shiftus humanus," I repeated and started to wave my finger in circular motions while pointing at myself. After a couple of waves my finger started to produce red sparkles; the magic was starting to work...

***Mirta's POV***

My eyes widened at Bloom's words. She had just recited the shape-shifting spell and she was about to use it on herself. Of course, my duty as a witch was to prevent her from using magic and reminding her that she can't let anybody know she has magic, but she was too asleep to remember that!

As soon as her fingers started to light up, I jumped from my seat and covered her finger; inwardly chanting the extinguish spell and almost freezing her finger. Her head snapped up and she realized what she was doing. She removed her finger from my hands and looked between at me and her finger, almost trembling.

I raised my eyebrow at her and she gave me a pleading expression and I sent her a reassuring look back. She instantly relaxed and sighed in relief; her shoulders relaxed, her intense face became neutral, and she let her hands rest on her desk.

***Bloom's POV***

I was shocked. Mirta just saved me from transforming myself in front of the teacher and my entire class. I was so scared after... I can't believe I almost did that.

When she raised her eyebrow at me, my insides turned and my hopes died. Oh please don't suspect what I'm suspecting, oh please, oh please, oh please....

I gave her a pleading look and she lowered her eyebrow, giving me a reassuring look that said don't worry, I won't do anything. I instantly relaxed; at least she's not telling anybody.


"Hey witch, why don't you turn yourself into a dog? You sure would look so much better," the voice of the real witch sounded and everybody around her erupted in laughter.

My patience was running low and if I could, I'd turn her into a frog. I would love to turn her into a disgusting creature. I took a deep breath and kept my head down low as fire passed through my eyes. I couldn't even lift my head up without raising suspicion, much less stand up to respond to Mitzy...

Suddenly we heard a voice from a nearby table. It was Mirta. Everyone stared at her as she walked towards Mitzy. "Well, if she's a witch, how come you're still human?" she said defiantly. The cafeteria erupted in ooh's and some burn's around the corner. I snickered.

"This doesn't involve you, freak," Mitzy sneered at Mirta. 

"And clearly not you, either. She's not even looking at you," Mirta responded with sass. Mitzy flipped her off and walked away.

"You okay? I swear, she's all bark and no bite," she said, sitting down beside me.

"Eh, that's debatable," I responded while grabbing a French fry. "But thanks for standing up to me," I said.

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