Chapter 49: Homecoming disaster

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***Bloom's P.O.V.***

"Stella, fairy of the shining sun!"

I looked up as Stella jumped into the air and a blinding light shined from within her. I instinctively shied away, but refused to miss this. I shielded my eyes and saw as her fairy outfit appeared and her hair magically gathered itself into two pigtails. 

"Stella please, it's too risky in here," Musa said, taking Stella's wrist to stop her from charging at the Trix. Stella looked back at her and glared. "We can't keep a secret if there are no students left to keep it a secret from," she responded. Flora stepped forward. "She's right," she said and jumped into the air herself. Flora too turned into a fairy. And, as if my shock wasn't enough, Musa too transformed after a begrudging sigh. 

All of my friends turned into fairies. 

My fingertips were ice cold and my face was sure to be pale. I instinctively backed away but lost my balance and fell to the floor. My friends, who I feared would find out my secret, were fairies as well. All of them. I barely supported my weight with one arm and saw that my free hand was shaking. 

Icy laughed. "Funny seeing you here, princess," she mocked. Stella clenched her fists. "Drop it, Icy, you know you're not supposed to be here," she responded.

Aisha frowned and stepped up as well. "If you wanted to pick a fight with us you could have picked some place else. There's innocent lives at risk here," she added.

Darcy scoffed and crossed her arms. "You fools flatter yourselves too much. We aren't here to pick a fight with you, we're here for her," she said, pointing straight at me. My eyes widened and my heart skipped a beat in terror when she did. The girls looked at me and back at the Trix. They didn't bother asking why, but they immediately got in position to fight. They looked fierce. 

"Leave Bloom alone!" Stella exclaimed. "She's our friend. If you want to get her you have to go through us!" Stormy scowled. "No... we can just ignore you and go straight to her," she responded. The Trix turned to me and I crawled away from them without thinking. My friends jumped and flew in front of me. "Bloom, leave. now," Techna said from in front of me.

"No. We're here for her. You move," Icy said. I knew what they were here for and my mind screamed at me to fight back, but I was too shaken to even stand on my feet. I listened to Techna and scrambled out of the ballroom and leaned against the hallway wall for support. I held my chest with my hand and gasped for air In the now empty hallway. I glanced into the ballroom and saw explosions of color, elements and destruction happening inside. 

This is your fight Bloom, my mind screamed at me but my body didn't comply. It is not fair that they're getting hurt for your sake.

"I know... I know," I whimpered out but I couldn't bring myself to look back. I've shown my powers before, but never fully transformed. If I faced them now they really could beat me and steal my power... my dragon. I'll pay the girls back later, I decided, and took off my heels to run away. I was not as fast as I should've, but I  was glad that I at least could stay standing. Once I was in the middle of the hallway, however, a strong explosion burst the ballroom doors away from their hinges. I stopped running and looked back; the Trix had forced their way out and they were targeting me. 

I yelped and tried to run away as fast as I could, but my traitorous knees gave out and I fell face first onto the ground. It knocked out my air but I rolled on my back and in absolute panic tried to summon as much help as I could. Icy was charging at me with hands full of ice waiting to attack me.

"Daphne please help me- Daphne- daph- dragon- Ah!" I squealed and quickly screamed out, "Bloomfairyofthedragonflame!" while holding both of my hands up and turning my face away. After a couple of seconds I opened my eyes and saw that a powerful burst of fire was coming out of me and clashing against Icy's own burst of ice. I gasped and pushed, throwing her off guard and sending her into the air. In moments, I was floating in the air effortlessly and the same fire I had let out was coming back and wrapping itself around me, like it had several times before in the library. This time, however, it was stronger, and I didn't just feel a comfortable warmth. It was preparing me to fight, filling me up with energy, and ridding me of the uncomfortable clothes that held me back. 

Blue boots appeared to cover my bare feet, and a blue skirt took my dress' place alongside with a crop top. My midriff was bare but free, and the fires at last settled on my forearms, making sheer gloves the last piece of my armor. The girls ran out of the ballroom in panic but stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw me in the air, just as I had done when I saw them transform.

"No!" Darcy yelled. "She transformed!"

"Whoa, this is so weird," I said, ignoring the angry witches. "Enjoy it while you can, loser," Stormy said in a familiar, snobbish voice that brought my attention back to them. "You... you're the ones to blame for Mitzy's harassment!" I responded breathlessly.

"Surprised?" Icy responded, coming down and strutting towards me with her fists formed. "Now that I think about it... no," I said. I looked past their shoulders and stared at my friends. "Girls, let's do this. Explanations later," I exclaimed. They broke from their stupor and nodded, jumping into the air and taking my side in fighting the Trix. 

"Please... you just transformed. You're no match against trained witches," Icy said with her arms crossed. Aisha stepped up. "You keep ignoring us. If the math is right, five trained fairies outmatch three trained witches."

Icy sneered at them and called out to battle by chanting a spell. The girls quickly did the same and soon, we were all fighting these dark mistresses. No previous use of magic before compared to the absolute rush I felt while combatting the Trix. There was no fear or hiding because everyone was from the same world, even if we fought in opposing sides. This was comfortable. This was the type of world I belonged in, where the energy flowing through me could be released freely and I didn't have to hide myself from my friends. The battle, however, was getting intense, and we were destroying the school from the inside. I tapped Techna's shoulder and nodded my head towards the double doors.

"It could be dangerous if we stay here. Let's take it outside," I said.

"I agree," she responded and we zoomed out and up into the roof, where no civilians could get hurt. The Trix angrily shouted and chased us out. 

Flora controlled nature and Aisha controlled water, but saw the biggest challenge in Icy's ice powers. Musa used soundwaves and Techna used technology, both opposing Darcy. Finally, I found Stella to have powers closest to mine, controlling light and heat respectively. We teamed up against Stormy. One of my hits however, didn't reach her and she took advantage of that weakness to fly and strike me in the gut.

I went flying out of the roof and onto the ground; I was too breathless from that hit to try to fly. 

Yet, I was caught by a man in a blue uniform. 

"Seems like I got back here in time," Sky smiled down at me. "Sky..." I whispered back at him. 

Riven's voice boomed in the background. "Specialists, to the roof!"

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