Chapter 5: the assault

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I walked quickly down the little road and hoped that they hadn't noticed that I was missing. As I walked I heard some voices screaming incoherent words at the same time. Dread grew at the pit of my stomach and I knew that they were calling me.

"Bloom! Where are you!" the voices screamed. I peeked my head out on a curve and the group was frantic, everyone was moving around while screaming my name at the top of their voices. I silently stepped out and everyone's heads snapped towards me.

They stared at me as I walked towards them. Everyone parted to the side and our teacher stepped right in front of me, crossing his arms.

"What the hell do you think you were doing? You were supposed to stay with the group at all times but you disappeared while everyone worried their heads off!" he exclaimed.

I looked shamefully to the floor. "I apologize, I guess I got distracted and I distanced myself," I said quietly, avoiding everyone's piercing glares. "That's not a good enough excuse. You will spend the rest of the trip by my side and when we get back a big fat detention slip," he determined with a glare. I nodded and followed him back to the front of the group. Mitzy and her minions mocked me by twisting their fists under their eyes. "The baby needs a baby sitter," one of them cooed. 

I sighed and tried to listen to Steve, who resumed his explanations, but everyone's glares and stares were bothering me. The people weren't so distanced from me, but the ones who were close enough were whispering things to each other while pointing at me. It was rankling me. A person's arm brushed against mine, and they jerked their arm away immediately. I gave him a disgusted look while he rubbed his arm "What is your problem?" I growled at him.

"You're a mutant, that's my problem," He sneered back. I stayed frozen in my spot.

"What?" I asked myself in a hushed voice; people nodded in agreement and they kept murmuring to each other. They kept walking forward and I waited in my place until everyone was gone. I ran back to the place where the fire was and I stopped as soon as I saw it. Nothing.

Nothing was there, except for my bag which was thrown hastily on the floor. I slowly walked over to my bag and swung it on my shoulder. I walked over where the fire had been and extended a hand to see if the fire was invisible or something. I was taken aback when I felt nothing but air and I examined my hand slowly.

It had the same glow from when I was in the fire with Daphne. My eyes widened in realization and I tore my bag open, looking desperately for my mirror. I opened it and gasped at my reflection.

My eyes were still dragon-like and my hair still looked like fire. It was no wonder why the amazing feeling hadn't worn out when I came out of the fire; the dragon's flame was still active.

I sighed shakily when I thought of what could have happened if I hadn't pissed the guy off; my identity could have been easily revealed and I would be show cased to the world as a freak. Worst of all was that if it did happen, everything would go to waste. I would be exposed and in great danger; I could have easily died.

"Bloom!" my teacher yelled.

"S-sorry I had to grab my backpack!"


I was quiet all of the way back. The frustration I had inside of me was enough to effortlessly release my flame ten times. I had to control myself, I thought, or this entire bus could burn down in flames. I was frustrated with myself and I couldn't believe that I was too careless to notice how exposed I was.

As soon as the bus stopped in front of the school, I threw my book bag on my shoulder and flew out of the bus, walking towards the entrance of the school while the people slowly piled out of the bus. I walked straight into the gym and let out a frustrated groan, making the fire in my eyes blaze. I let my bag fall to the floor and closed my eyes, breathing slowly as I tried to cool myself off.

After a couple of seconds, I felt my body relax and I took a big breath, slowly opening my eyes and reaching out to touch my hair. I sighed in relief when I felt that my hair wasn't on fire anymore. A hand suddenly touched my shoulder from behind and I screamed, jerking up and turning around. "Hey, What happened to you?" Sky asked me when he let go of my shoulder.

I put a hand on my heart. "Goodness gracious Sky, you scared me!" I yelpe.

"Sorry for that actually..." he said sheepishly. "But what happened to you? Mitzy has been raging all over about you and the things she said aren't exactly pretty," he said, making me roll my eyes at him. Of course he just wanted to know about the rumors... I thought bitterly.

I picked up my bag and tossed it on my shoulder. "Well, it's none of your business. If you just want to find out if her nasty rumors are true, then the door is right there," I said with a tight smile, walking past him and towards the door.

I put a hand on the door and turned around. "And believe me, I know all of the things she says about me," I said and gave him another tight smile before turning and leaving the gym.


"Guys are such ignorant douches, especially popular ones," Stella said; I could imagine her rolling her eyes in disgust on the other side of the phone.

"Tell me about it..." I muttered back. "I mean, he only went to see if Mitzy's rumors were true, who does that?" I exclaimed.

"I know..." she responded.

"Ugh, whatever. I'll just ignore him and keep on going with my life," I said.

"Atta girl! Now, I've got to go cuz I got a date with the spa," she said.

"It's okay, I'm going to go to school anyways. I left my history book in my locker," I responded, putting the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I put my boots on.

"Alrighty then. Bye, love you!" she said.

"Love you too," I said, taking the phone from my shoulder and hitting the end button. I put on my other boot and stood up from the bed, walking over to my closet. I put a jacket on and a scarf; it was halfway through November and the weather was getting chilly. I walked out of my room and towards the front door; the cold wind hit me in the face as soon as I opened it. I shivered and pulled my jacket closer to me. I closed the door and walked down the empty sidewalk. A cold wind was rustling the trees and the dark night made the neighborhood look emptier than usual.

I turned on a corner and saw a person walking the opposite way with a trench coat and boots on. She stopped in front of me and I tried side stepping her but she took a step to the side as well, blocking my path,

"Excuse me," I said politely, stepping to her other side. She stepped to the other side and again didn't let me walk.

"Hello Bloom," the nasty voice said. She took her hat off and Mitzy appeared, making my eyes widen.

"Mitzy..." I gasped, taking a step back. She gave me an evil smirk in return. She snapped her fingers and two of her friends appeared from behind me, one grabbing me by the arms and the other grabbing my neck. I gasped again and I found my throat constrict from panic, voiding me from any sound.

"Such a nice weather we are having... No response? That's fine, I don't like small talk either. I saw what happened at the volcano, Bloom. It infuriates me to see how far you would go to gain attention. That's my role," she said, taking her phone out and typing something in. "What would happen if I explained the situation to everyone on twitter? Hmmm... What about drugs? We could use that," She contemplated with a sickly sweet voice, following with a chuckle as she started to pace around me.

She leant in and whispered in my ear "Oh wait, I already did." She put her cellphone in her pocket and planted herself in front of me. "You know Bloom, I know what you're trying to do," she said before swinging her fist full speed at my stomach. The horrifyingly painful punch knocked all the air out of me. I fell on my knees to the ground and I clenched my stomach, trying to get my air back. My throat was constricted and I coughed wildly, my eyes watering as I clenched my jaw. Suddenly, my hair was being ripped up and I was forced to look into Mitzy's face.

"And I. Won't. Let you. Good nighty, Bloom," she said, giving me a venomous smirk before her friends started to kick me in the ribs and my face.

I screamed out in pain before Mitzy hauled my face up and smacked it against the pavement. Black dots invaded my eyesight. "A word comes out of that pathetic, little mouth and I'll make sure much worse happens to you Bloom." 

I heard yelling before I blacked out.

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